Example sentences of "a [noun] [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 A route she had been forced to follow , never quite closing the gap , though it narrowed all the time .
2 And suddenly , he was n't ugly any more , he was a prince who had been bewitched .
3 When she saw her gesture performed by a sister who had been admiring and imitating her from earliest childhood , she felt a certain unease : the adult gesture did not fit an eleven-year-old child .
4 Similar divisions existed at Bruen Stapleford in Cheshire , where on one occasion the local Puritan landowner , John Bruen , instructed his servants to pull down a maypole which had been erected on the village green .
5 David Hall exhibited at MOMA an elegant piece which drew on the lost potentialities of the Nipkow disc , mechanical heart of the early Baird Televisor , ‘ superseded ’ and eradicated by a progress which has been synonymous with standardization .
6 In each case the Canadian fiction of a supposedly identical sovereign was repudiated ; and in each case the continuance of a unity which had been due only to the former British connection was made a prior condition for even pretending to play the Canadian game .
7 The severity of the sentences served to defuse the explosive ramifications of a case which had been portrayed by members of the black community as a latter-day lynching .
8 Immediately after his promotion , the archbishops of Compostella and Braga came personally into his presence in a case which had been going on between them concerning seven bishoprics .
9 When embalming a case which has been the subject of a post-mortem examination , there is likely to be more opportunity for formaldehyde to enter the atmosphere but care is taken to minimise this .
10 Royal , who looks like a bit he 's been carved out of rock , warned of what will happen if we follow in the wake of what 's been going on in the States .
11 Osric , king of Northumbria ( 718–29 ) ( HE V , 23 ) , no details of whose reign are known , could have been a son of Ealhfrith or of Aldfrith , and either way his accession will have represented a restoration of Oswiu 's family to royal power ( even if , in the former case , of a branch which had been in political eclipse for half a century ) , but his successor Ceolwulf ( 729–37 ) was a brother of Coenred ( HE V , 23 ) and Ceolwulf 's successor , Eadberht ( 737–58 ) , son of Eata , son of Leodwald , was Ceolwulf 's first cousin .
12 But that was just a hope he 'd been tossing at me for a couple of years without any interest from me .
13 Picking up the internal telephone , she buzzed Stephanie , abruptly coming to a decision she 'd been wrestling with for a couple of days , one she considered to be eminently sensible and practical …
14 There is a need to develop flexible budgeting to ensure that actual expenditure is measured against a budget which has been flexed to take account of actual workload ( recognising both volume and mix factors ) .
15 his own bodyguard , a driver who 's been trained .
16 At the other extreme was a Filipino who had been brought up in the slums of Manila , his father an alcoholic drug dealer and his mother a whore .
17 Before the Christmas break , we fitted in two more FIS downhills at Altenmarkt , on a course which had been used for a women 's world cup .
18 the first thing that we , we , we would respect is and suggest and this is a course which has been offered erm , erm , in order of other cases , er , we should ask that the er because of the adjournment necessary for investigation , the , the money will attract interest and we would ask for an order that the erm , the plaintiff is entitled to interest at the special account rate on any lump sum hereafter ordered to be paid , now what that means is that if at the end of the day the instruction say goes off and the conventional lump sum order is made , we are entitled to interest on the whole of that lump sum , if on the other hand a structured settlement is put into position and er part is either applied to the purchase of the annuities , in the commercial way to try and settle it or taken it back by the health authority , in consideration for self funding structured settlement , then we would only get the interest on the actual cash we have been kept
19 Among positive rights , we should include the rights : to have all one 's experience and knowledge assessed in the admissions process ; to determine the subjects studied ; to have a legitimate measure of control over the pace and the methods of study ; to be able to follow a particular academic interest , or develop a point of view of one 's own ; to be examined in ways which do justice to the student 's achievements ; and to be credited with those parts of a course which have been passed successfully ( should the student wish or need to move to another institution , or to take a break in the programme of study ) .
20 I 'm growing mine at the moment for a part I 've been playing , which accounts for its condition .
21 Sachs compared subjects ' performance with a variety of target sentence positions varying from 0 syllables delay ( for a sentence which had been heard immediately before the recognition test ) to 160 syllables delay ( for a sentence occurring relatively early in the passage ) .
22 Or you could use a text which has been translated from one medium into another .
23 Another important aid to analysing syntactic variation is the production of a concordance ; in addition to a reference location to word forms in a text which have been previously input , a concordance gives a certain amount of surrounding context .
24 You can tell whether a text you have is a critical or a popular edition by looking at the following features : — Does it have a note on the text , explaining spelling conventions used , etc. ? — Does it have an introduction by an editor ? — Does it have footnotes or endnotes ? — Is it a numbered part of a multi-volume edition ?
25 It is a trick he has been taught and he enjoys doing it .
26 Burun was sitting on a chest which had been used to carry the food , and his second wife , Kiku , whom men called the Regal Lily , was standing behind him dressing his hair while he admired himself in a hand-held mirror .
27 By this time they had purchased a building which had been I think a a bank or a savings bank or something at Street in Porthmadog .
28 The reluctance to write about sex is curious in a writer who has been gleefully unreticent on the demands and delinquencies attending other forms of physical exertion .
29 Meanwhile , I had intervened in a wrangle which had been going on in the pages of Time and Tide over some articles Eliot had written .
30 He noticed a sketch I had been doing of Miss Oliver , and could not take his eyes off it .
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