Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore the amount of white land identified in the Local Plan is a measure of whether land performs a greenbelt function , and not simply a long-term strategic land reserve .
2 ‘ There 's a question over whether non-fiction books like this are economical to do — for publishers as much as authors .
3 With Labour promising to revive the bill if they are elected , opposition to bloodsports being Liberal Democrat policy and the likelihood of a hung Parliament , it is no longer a question of whether hunting will be banned but when .
4 Four fences out , Llewellyn made his move , and from the next it was merely a question of whether Party Politics could hold on or whether Romany King could peg him back .
5 So long as there is uncertainty about the matter , that must have a bearing on whether enforcement proceedings are taken by the Attorney-General up and down the country in a necessarily very large number of cases .
6 Less easy for ( and possibly of less interest to ) preclinical staff is dealing with a case study for the new pathway ; such a case might start with the pharmacology of tetracyclines , pass through their therapeutic use in general , and end on a debate about whether oxytetracycline should be used as prophylaxis for traveller 's diarrhoea in Mexico .
7 Singer sensed a presence and turned , swinging a punch as if instinct or fear dictated it .
8 This then forces a consideration of whether investment can then improve the SBU 's competitive stance or not .
9 The case breaks new ground in Britain in that it seeks a ruling on whether radiation damage can be passed on to children through their fathers ' sperm , in which case , under current legislation , BNFL would be liable .
10 It is not merely a matter of whether planning permission is required and , if so , whether it is likely to be granted , but also of how long it will take .
11 At the last fence Crisp , though he walloped the gorse into the air , still held a substantial lead , but Red Rum — with twenty-three pounds less on his back — was charging along now , and it was simply a matter of whether Crisp could survive the desperately long run to the winning post .
12 It appears that alternative proposals — put forward by the RICS and others — may require developers to produce a statement on whether land is contaminated when any planning application is submitted .
13 There was a discussion about whether Guppy should be punched in the face .
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