Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun] hold the " in BNC.

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1 Box wall : A method of construction , using ‘ boxes ’ made by sewing vertical walls between the outer and inner fabric of a sleeping bag to hold the filling in position .
2 Top Secret ( 1952 ) , for example , touches on Cold War issues with its story of a sanitary engineer abducted to the Soviet Union in the belief that he is a bomb expert holding the secrets of a devastating new weapon .
3 At the scene of the attack police found a plastic bag holding the pint of milk and four sausages he had bought for his tea — and some of the breadcrumbs he scattered to the birds each day .
4 The joint is made with putty or mastic and a gutter bolt holds the two lengths together .
5 The lid had been battered out of shape and the locks no longer met , but a leather strap held the whole thing together .
6 Hugh Andrew 's reels , inspired by John Wilding , the Deep Sky type on a supporting pylon and the Strato-spool with a belly band to hold the bar to the waist and permit a free hand to apply leverage on the end of the bar .
7 An instruction for such an operation must therefore indicate three locations , two source locations for the two operands , and a destination location to hold the result .
8 This might be a display for others to see , a school open day when work is displayed to outside visitors , going on a site visit , bringing in a special visitor to view what has been produced , taking part in a play or pageant , or recreating something like a Victorian school day , or some other event , or compiling a class book to hold the results of their work .
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