Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Some 2,000 people took part on March 8 in what were described as the biggest demonstrations in Tonga in living memory , in protest at a decision to grant citizenship to more than 400 foreigners .
2 TRAINEE beauty therapists face an uncertain future because of a decision to cut funding to their college .
3 I take no pleasure in bringing this case before the House , although his example may well prove a catalyst to bring help to fellow sufferers .
4 He also showed a willingness to give business to new firms , such as Saxton Bampfylde , as well as more old-established businesses like GKR and Clive & Stokes .
5 AT THE END of a week in which Eoin Jess 's splendid performance for Scotland against Malta turned the spotlight on the next generation of international footballers , Premier Division managers across the country yesterday indicated a willingness to add spice to this afternoon 's card by giving youth a fling .
6 Each way of generating a sentence gives rise to a rooted tree , called its parse tree .
7 The presence of generalized person in the infinitive also explains how this verb form can be " without person or number " and yet have " a reference to some subject " ( Brown 1884 : 336 – 7 ) : the fact that the infinitive does contain a support gives rise to the impression that the event is referred to a " potential subject " , that is , to what would have been the subject had the verb been finite .
8 The system means that all companies within a building have access to a staff restaurant facility without the cost of installing their own kitchen and restaurant .
9 It would need the pen of a Zola to do justice to the reality and appalling intensity of the famine in these parts ( Saratov and Samara ) .
10 The Court said obiter that presenting a cheque gave rise to the same representations .
11 You sound like a moose giving birth to a hedgehog , ’ Kirk Douglas , The Vikings
12 A German company ( S ) entered into a contract to supply machinery to an English customer ( B ) who , as representatives of the German company knew , spoke no German .
13 If a buyer has access to a seller 's cost structure then he is in a powerful position to negotiate a cheaper price , or at least avoid paying too high a price .
14 So far as the early history of the emancipation process is concerned Field 's position is probably stronger than Zakharova 's , for although Nicholas I 's call for a militia gave rise to disturbances among the peasantry in 1855 , although almost all the memoranda which circulated in private during the Crimean War referred to the possibility of peasant risings , and although Alexander II alluded to the prospect of rural uprisings both in his speech to the Moscow gentry and in his comments on the papers submitted to him by Haxthausen , it is hard to prove that rural developments took pride of place among the reasons for setting reform in train .
15 That is why if Jill knowingly leads Jim to expect that she will behave in a certain way she bears a responsibility to prevent harm to Jim as a result of this reliance , and so on .
16 But the logic of punk 's evangelistic drive to change things led to a attempt to take demystification to the people : the pop deconstruction of ABC ( exposing pop 's stage managing , as on the sleeve of The Lexicon of Love ) and Scritti Politti ( affirming and unravelling , simultaneously , the lover 's non-sensical discourse ) .
17 Mrs Totteridge was clearly of a mind to impute criminality to the entire population .
18 A gain is taxed as a balancing charge , while a loss gives rise to a balancing allowance that can be used to reduce taxable earnings .
19 A composer adds music to the basic shapes of language as a poet adds poetry to notions .
20 A second convention met in July 1833 and in an effort to improve the bill had a delegation denounce apprenticeship to Stanley 's face and managed to unite behind a Buxton amendment that apprenticeship should be for no longer than was required for the welfare of the slave .
21 It would appear that the effect of the section will be to apply a fault based regime to new products .
22 And finishes off by saying , erm , our Youth Committee Chairman , Roland have a forward looking attitude to developing and improving youth for many years to come , for as many boys as possible , and we would like to apply for a grant for a thousand pound to cover the cost of providing these new kits for three teams .
23 a watcher sets light to the gorse .
24 In July 1990 , the House of Lords held that a byelaw prohibiting entry to the Greenham Common military bars was invalid because it infringed rights of common .
25 Right : Adding a pond brings wildlife to the garden .
26 Last season , Dungannon won the Ulster League which qualified them for a ‘ round-robin ’ series with the other provincial winners in a bid to gain entry to the AIL .
27 Harry Enfield 's Guide to the Opera , filming now for next year , is a bid to introduce opera to the masses .
28 Gibbs and fullback Tony Clement were full of running at all times and , while B.C. led again 17–15 with another Graf penalty , Swansea were ultimate winners as outside-half Stephen Jones added a second winning penalty to his earlier conversion of Gibb 's score .
29 Down home of the then Air Minister Lord Londonderry and , in his report of the visit , added a speculative paragraph to the effect that the trip may have been due to ‘ a message from Ottawa ’ and could well precede a peace making trip to Dublin .
30 For example , they distinguished between a response of faith from a child seeking admission to the lord 's supper and a profession of faith .
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