Example sentences of "and it [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Report pointed at the level of resource needed in order to achieve improvements and it sought to improve the management of schools by making them more meaningful to a wider range of pupils .
2 Between 1613 and 1622 the Zemsky sobor , in which the pomeshchiks predominated , was generally summoned at least once a year and it continued to play an important consultative role until 1653 .
3 And it meant sampling a more ‘ dilute ’ domain of creativity , few of the individuals studied entering the ranks of the great innovators ( though they , in any case , are rarely recognised as such during their lifetimes ) .
4 That 's a bit like that thingy but it was bald and it 'd got a bad , ever such a bad
5 If they had a communicable disease and it entailed investigating the vagina to find out , then I suppose the doctor is entitled to do that .
6 One rather exciting will home made will I hasten to add I dealt with last year , the lady of some who was not getting on with her husband and I think although I 'm not absolutely sure that the handwriting is that of her sister and we have this form filled in and it mentioned the bank or special savings account and it mentioned the premium bonds and it mentioned everything in the back bedroom and the linen in the linen and the linen cupboard because she 'd brought all this lot and it failed to appoint an executor and it failed to deal with the residuary estate it meant that technically there was a partial intestacy , as there was a partial intestacy the rules applied to that , first person to inherit ?
7 It made much of ‘ flexibility ’ but in a way which implied that only certain versions of flexibility were permitted , and it failed to treat the notion of ‘ good practice ’ as the problematic issue it manifestly is .
8 We had one of those leagues at uni last year and it was immensely popular to the extent that they banned it because the memory banks of the system were chock a block with it and it kept causing the system to crash .
9 ‘ You do not get a good spread of risk and it kept putting the premiums up .
10 The committee reported that all teams had completed the tasks successfully and it agreed to initial a protocol of the joint inspection at the third session to be held in Beijing in November .
11 It had been a shock to discover that for the first five years they went to homes in the country where women were paid to nurse them , and it seemed to put a stop to any hope of seeing Angel again .
12 One of the large bedrooms had been turned into a nursery and it seemed to hold every conceivable toy a child could have .
13 The bicycle was a powerful symbol of social change in this era , summing up so easily the fears brewing around popular freedoms and popular amusements , and it seemed to touch a brittle nerve of the process of democratisation .
14 Teresa Bazar of the pop group Dollar remembered her night with Nicholas and it seemed to capture the predicament to a tee .
15 Filmer looked back towards Xanthe and the investigator and made a small gesture of impatience , and it seemed to trigger a response from the investigator because he said that if anyone remembered any helpful detail , however small , would they please tell him or one of his colleagues , but meanwhile everyone was free to go .
16 The transitive verb meant ‘ to make suitable ’ and when translated into human terms this indicated a solution to a number of perceived difficulties in the juvenile labour-market : at the very least it offered a safeguard against redundancy through technological change ; it provided a necessary companion for ‘ intelligence ’ , one of the qualities demanded by ‘ modern ’ industrial conditions ; and it seemed to imply a degree of social contentment , integration , and stability , which were important , if only in so far as they could serve as protection against the ravages of unemployment and , in extreme cases , unemployability .
17 the the reason it 's on the diagram it it simply reflects the fact in fact w w w we were overtaken almost by events in terms of the structure plan policy in that the County Council had move on to t had undertaken public consultation , and it had determined a preferred route .
18 The Macleod Report of 1965 had set the Young Conservatives a target of a quarter of a million members , and it had declared the importance of political involvement .
19 Qin had founded this weekly journal in 1980 and it had played a major role in the campaign for economic and political reform in China until being closed down in April 1989 following the outbreak of student demonstrations [ see p. 36587 ] .
20 Soviet spokesmen could argue that although the USSR had for decades proselytised the notion of a national liberation or solidarity ‘ front ’ of Third World states , aligned at least politically to the Soviet bloc , it had not created regional groupings or coalitions of states militarily tied to the USSR or the Warsaw Pact and it had supported the opposition of the non-aligned states to military blocs .
21 They had fought back , and it had felt the sting of their fight which had only served to make its hunger and hideous needs greater .
22 It was as if she had said something and it had caused a click in his mind that brought down the shutters to keep her out .
23 They had really tired of each other and it had become a struggle between them that was slow to surface until the Diamond Dogs tour because a lot of things happened on that tour that they were both very unhappy about .
24 I stopped going after six months because I felt I 'd resolved my immediate problem , and it had become a drag and an effort , largely because I had a problem with the silences .
25 It had happened — and nothing worse was likely to happen — and it had done no harm .
26 But she had turned her face to the camera and it had caught a look that she could find nowhere else and indeed that seemed to belong to another girl ; she barely recognised herself .
27 And it had looked a perfectly normal tree from the outside , too .
28 The field in the final was probably the greatest ever brought together , and it had produced a world record of staggering proportions .
29 At the end of the lawn there was a sundial ; they looked at it and it had got the time right .
30 wood and it had made , and it had got the four nails at the top
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