Example sentences of "and in such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had been a stupid omission , but then she 'd left so unexpectedly and in such a rush ; besides , she 'd expected Suzie to be at the address she 'd been given .
2 The whole environment is mobile and in such a state of balance between deposition and erosion that changes are frequent and often important .
3 And in such a state of war as we have now in Wales , mischances can happen all too easily .
4 No matter how simple the programme , it still needed to be organized , and in such a way as not to give offence by seeming to slight a guest .
5 The weaving yarn was caught down randomly across the row , but in a different way on adjacent rows , and in such a way that the design was largely floats ( swatch 3 , card 3 ) .
6 For the Republic the experience was a painful and , some would always argue , self-defeating one ; for the Nationalists , united by a common deference towards authority , matters proceeded more smoothly — and in such a way as to determine Spain 's future for almost forty years to come .
7 They might also accept that some , if only few , among the many would grow ; and that when it had become operationally necessary or desirable a growing business could divide itself and in such a way that the divisions were suitable ‘ constituencies ’ for the democratic purposes of the co-operative .
8 In Ireland he might be able to choose between several candidates , but they would all have been selected by his party , and in such a way as to condition his choice if not to determine it absolutely .
9 Striding across the room , he thrust his harsh , angry face towards hers , ‘ Oh , yes , Hilary , you explained , and in such a way that they thought you could n't be bothered . ’
10 To be developed " along appropriate lines and in such a way as to take into account the legal provisions , contractual agreements and practices in force in the member states . "
11 Reversing the courts below , the Court of Appeal refused his application ; his credibility was the key issue , and in such a case it was of ‘ extreme importance ’ that his evidence be tested by cross-examination in open court .
12 Such objects do not lie beyond our grasp , as the sceptic might suggest ; for we can hope that every member of the set of statements about what would be observed should be conclusively verified , and in such a case there would remain no further possibility that the material object statement should be false .
13 A statement in its memorandum of association that the company 's object shall be to carry on business as a general commercial company shall mean that its object is to carry on any trade or business whatsoever , and in such a case the company has power to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the carrying on of any trade or business by it .
14 Your feelings may alter , and in such a case , you have our blessing . ’
15 ( 4 ) Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this section it shall be competent for a licensing board to entertain objections from the chief constable , lodged at any time before the hearing of an application , if the board is satisfied that there is sufficient reason why due notice and intimation of the objection could not be given , and in such a case the chief constable shall cause his objections to be intimated to the applicant before the hearing .
16 ( 6 ) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection , it shall be competent for the licensing board to entertain objections from the chief constable , lodged at any time before the hearing of the application if the board is satisfied that there is sufficient reason why due notice and intimation of the objection could not be given , and in such a case the chief constable shall , where practicable , cause his objections to be intimated to the applicant before the hearing .
17 The alternative version has the same two properties together making up a property complex that is applied to the immediately adjacent subject of the sentence ; moreover in both cases the complex as a whole is assigned syntactically to the subject E ; the sole difference is in the matter of which property is taken as " senior " to the other within the bounds of the complex , as in ( 63 ) , and in such a case this will produce an infinitesimal semantic difference : ( 63 ) However this sort of syntactic trading is only possible where the language contains suitable lexical items ; it must have an adverb and verb with the appropriate meanings ; thus , in the absence of an adverb equivalent to after a change and a verb meaning to be orange , for instance , English can not offer such an alternative for ( 64 ) : ( 64 ) in spring , their skin turns orange 5.8 The range of verbs which can occur with postverbal adjectives is in fact quite wide .
18 ( i ) Related purchase Most transactions proceed side by side , and in such a case , it is important to treat them quite separately , using separate instruction sheets , separate files , etc .
19 In the case of a registered title , a charge may have been secured by the less formal method of giving notice to the Land Registry of " Notice of Deposit " ( or " Intended Deposit " ) of the land certificate , and in such a case the appropriate document is the " Withdrawal of Notice " , which is endorsed on the back of the official receipt of notice of deposit .
20 If they stay they must deliver an emasculated version of their own educational vision , and in such a position it is easier to deny the ideals than to stay open , day after day , to the disappointment and the sense of inauthenticity .
21 Cling to them , and their love for you , for the Place of the Succulent Rock is about to shake and tremble , and in such a time all a soul has is the company of its loving like .
22 Finally he took the bass part of some airs of Handel … and played the most beautiful melody on it and in such a manner that everyone was amazed .
23 A private limited company has the following clause in its Articles of Association concerning the issue of share capital : ‘ The shares shall be under the control of the directors , who may allot and dispose of or grant options over the same to such persons on such terms , and in such a manner as they think fit . ’
24 The cold was already making Gentle 's bruised bones ache fiercely , and in such a condition the two blocks back to Jude 's apartment would be a long and painful trek .
25 And in such a situation it becomes difficult to say whether the temporary worker is brought in because of a shortage of permanent staff or because there is ( now ) a once-off task to be performed .
26 It is the sort of place which will always revive and rebuild , and in such a place Salim 's part is to make good , carry on .
27 It does not like a hot dry position and in such a place , seeds will not germinate until heavy rain occurs .
28 They know they are drinking themselves to death and in such an instance the social worker has no legal powers to intervene .
29 He says his customers would go further afield only if discounting was ferocious , and in such an event believes that prices would soon start going back up as one or more of the big chains went out of business .
30 These elections were presented almost as a referendum on the performance of the government , and in such an atmosphere most councils must have felt confident that , for this year at least , they would avoid any adverse local electoral reaction to their fiscal policies .
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