Example sentences of "and the [noun pl] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Ireland the prospect of playing in the second World Cup brought the arm-wrestling contest between the powerful Irish Universities and the students union to an end .
2 They 'll be encouraged to relax by using the facilities at the nearby Abbey International College in Malvern Wells and the Downs School in Colwall :
3 Tim Gabler ( top ) , and the ops room in action ( above )
4 See Adventures in Castle Drachenfels and the Profiles section for more details of these groups .
5 It has been variously interpreted as a military storehouse , a putative legionary principia and most recently as a forum for an embryonic civitas , to match Carlisle and the civitas Carvetiorum in the west ( see p. 54 ) .
6 By the time I reached the quay the water out in the centre of the Strait was darkening with little puffs of wind and the mountains west of the town were half obscured by cloud .
7 Mr was well aware because he 'd been told by the plaintiffs solicitors that the plaintiffs received terms for cover or to obtain interest on their costs , the plaintiffs solicitors wrote specifically to Mr enquiring was his offer in , in the sum of forty two thousand pounds , that 's er the possible agreed settlement figure for costs , er if it was inclusive or exclusive of interest erm there were some delay but er Mr wrote back in due course making clear that interest was n't included , I should also say that in Mr er proposed bill of costs he had disallowed interest for a fairly short period in respect of both the plaintiffs bill of costs and the defendants bill of costs and the plaintiffs solicitors do n't appear to have erm taken any point on that , but as I say it , the point as to interest was specifically raised by the plaintiffs solicitors letter and er I 'm quite satisfied on the correspondence that they when it came to the matter were seen , were desires of obtaining interest in respect of their costs .
8 A few further discs did eventually appear , the Ecodisc and the Volcanos disc among them , but they were not enough to revitalise the fortunes of the Domesday initiative .
9 Friction includes legal delays and matters like the SEC in the USA and the Monopolies Commission in the UK .
10 The ambulance contract manager 's office and the estates department on the St Mary 's site will also be moved .
11 The competition , open to school students from ages 5–18 , is being organised by the Working Group for Children and the Teachers Network of Amnesty 's British Section .
12 The interviews will be semi-structured , by use of a questionnaire , designed to explore both the childs and the teachers perception of their relationships with peers ; their feelings about the school and whether or not they are involved in bullying or are being bullied .
13 An equity or share is a certificate of ownership and confers on the holder specific rights and privileges which are determined by the Articles of Association ( for example the voting rights attached to each class of share ) , the Memorandum of Association and the Companies Act of 1985 ( see Chapter 2 ) .
14 Education Catering Services are working on two fronts : the production of the quality assurance manual , under the direction of Joanna Carroll , for the central production unit in Ealing ; and the operations manual for school meals which will be installed initially at the mobilisation of the Sunderland school meals contract .
15 And the accounts department at A&M probably stopped short of throwing a party when Jackson delivered the tapes for 1987 's Will Power , an orchestral instrumental album .
16 Current Labour Party policy would like to see the establishment of a Quality Commission which would incorporate some of the present duties of the Audit Commission in England and Wales and the Accounts Commission in Scotland .
17 The apparent success of the Admiralty and the arms firms in 1908–9 in bouncing the Cabinet into a major escalation of naval building , alerted radicals to the dangers of militarism .
18 In his planned county palatine Gloucester was to hold in fee simple , in Cumberland the grants were to him and the heirs male of his body .
19 In his planned county palatine Gloucester was to hold in fee simple , in Cumberland the grants were to him and the heirs male of his body .
20 It has the registration number E791 0WY and the Principles logo on the side .
21 ‘ I think we should retaliate , ’ she said , a few minutes later , after skimming through public prayer and the letters page of The Times .
22 The inquiry follows objections by Teesdale District Council and the Ramblers Association to a decision by Durham County Council 's special rights of way sub-committee to allow the plan .
23 The inquiry was prompted by objections from Teesside District Council and the Ramblers Association to a decision by Durham County Council 's special rights of way subcommittee to allow the diversion .
24 They were on top but strolling and even the return of Dublin striker Roddie Collins from suspension and the subs bench in the 62nd minute for Derek Carroll did n't produce the expected extra fireworks .
25 Since the areas under occupation contained rich grain lands as well as the industrialised sectors of Russian Poland as it was then , the food shortages in the towns and the goods famine in the countryside were further exacerbated .
26 Thus the Bengali perceptions of the west in the 19th century — studied from the view-point of contact between dissimilar cultures and the attitudes characteristic of elite groups in a colonial society — has a relevance to the analysis of much wider issues .
27 Beyond the park , in some parts of England such as East Anglia , the bulldozer rams at the old hedges , blots them out to make fields big and vacant enough for the machines of the new ranch-farming and the business-men farmers of five to ten thousand acres .
28 To the northerner , the apparently clockwise movement of the Sun and the stars results from an anticlockwise rotation of the earth .
29 The scheme , due to start in April , is a co-operative venture between Newcastle City Council , the Citizens Advice Bureau and the Benefits Agency of the Department of Social Security .
30 Prior to the implementation of the Act the civil division had no staff of its own except the clerks to the Master of the Rolls and the Lords Justices of Appeal .
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