Example sentences of "and the [noun] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Humanity shall remain content to cut off further hopes of increased life enjoyment by permitting the continued dominance within the human race of the evolutionary law that requires for its operation that ( a ) , all surplus life must perish and ( b ) , the strongest shall be entitled to all that physical dominance permits them to take , regardless of the source of what is taken , and the cost to others .
2 Humanity shall remain content to cut off further hopes of increased life enjoyment by permitting the continued dominance within the human race of the evolutionary law that requires for its operation that ( a ) all surplus life must perish , and ( b ) the strongest shall be entitled to all that physical dominance permits them to take , regardless of the source of what is taken , and the cost to others .
3 Conservatives who had claimed to prefer contributory pensions in 1908 faced outraged complaints from their constituents about the growth of bureaucracy and the cost to employers .
4 The research is therefore central to evaluation of the Act and the approach to police accountability it embodies .
5 In such a case your report should be prepared at once , and the original instructions and any other documents sent to you by your mortgagee client , as well as your notes on title and the replies to requisitions , should be carefully perused .
6 Gone are the days when professionals left the business of fees , commissions , variation charges , reimbursables and the rest to underlings whilst they got on with the interesting work .
7 ECLAC put Latin America 's combined foreign debt for 1989 at US$422,000 million , with 60 per cent owed to commercial banks in the USA , Europe and Asia , and the rest to governments and multilateral agencies .
8 The value of shares in firm A is V SL and the return to shareholders , assuming that all earnings are distributed , is which is earnings before tax but after debt interest has been deducted as an allowable expense , less corporation tax .
9 Since then NMW has carried out a heavy rationalisation programme and the return to profits has come despite a fall in turnover from £5.92m to £4.66m .
10 As soon as the barriers to entry in this type of regulatory regime are broken down and outside membership is allowed , the effectiveness of self-regulation and the ability to police members on the old club principle tends to be eroded .
11 Readers of reports like brevity : they first read summaries ; they leave the heavy matter and the appendices to juniors .
12 And the benefits to customers are beginning to come through .
13 The drive to home ownership and the benefits to buyers was most concerted in Manchester and Central North Side .
14 Hence , subsequent studies manipulated things like the degree of incompatibility between initial and later adjectives and the instructions to subjects ( e.g. whether the adjective are or are not equally valid ) .
15 Until this year , some of that waste went to Finland and the remainder to facilites elsewhere in the United Kingdom .
16 The format has changed too , to A4-and-a-bit-on-the-side , a shape which we believe embraces the benefits to designers of a larger canvas and the advantages to advertisers of a more common standard , while avoiding the visual straitjacket that the verticality of A4 so often imposes .
17 The human costs both of the wars themselves and the economic crises they have caused have been enormous , and the setbacks to programmes of educational and social development severe .
18 But would the same objection have such weight if one judicial system applied to individuals and the other to corporations ( and other organizations ) ?
19 But by focusing on a particular selection of empirical evidence , the book seems to shift the blame from the poor and the underclass to women and to their lack of available , acceptable marriage partners .
20 And the risks to youngsters are growing .
21 For a sufficient income they depend also on some fishing and the sale to tourists of vegetables , milk and craft products .
22 Chart 15 , from Karen Wruck at the Harvard Business School , shows part of the answer why : in a highly leveraged firm , default is triggered by the inability to meet payments to claimants accounting for a much larger proportion of the firm 's value than in a firm with more equity ; and the loss to creditors of failing to agree on new terms is thus potentially bigger .
23 The remuneration packages will add fuel to the debate about top-level rewards but the group claimed yesterday that with pre-tax profits and earnings per share up 17 p.c. last year and the dividend to shareholders 10 p.c. higher the increases were justified .
24 This is not only because of the risks to the health of the attempters and the distress to families and friends , but also because of the implications for the health services in terms of use of limited resources .
25 This intake of information from several sources at once is a complex process , and the value to learners of silent viewing is that it lets them concentrate on one element at a time .
26 The probes correspond to columns and the clones to rows .
27 Microsoft Corp has launched its largest reseller promotional campaign yet , a $7m 60-day programme dubbed ‘ upgrade your world , ’ which it says will reach at about 28m customers : the promotion will include an ‘ unprecedented ’ purchase of US national print and broadcast advertising and direct mail , offering a no-cost version upgrade to each customer that spends a minimum of $350 on Microsoft software between April 1 and May 31 , and is coupled with promotional sale prices of $570 against the usual $750 on Microsoft Office for Windows and users of Excel , Word or PowerPoint can receive an additional $50 rebate from Microsoft until July 15 ; MS-DOS 6 will be offered at a promotional price until May 31 and the upgrade to Windows 3.1 will also be on sale from now until April 30 .
28 This would have the advantage of removing both the restriction as to the victim and the limitation to women , but the Criminal Law Revision Committee thought that this would lead to an effective narrowing of the scope of infanticide .
29 The context of pupil-led formula funding and the charging to schools of actual salary costs , could put governors in a situation where they are deciding to appoint and/or promote only younger and hence ‘ cheaper ’ teachers .
30 The tenant has , of course , to undertake to open certain rooms and the garden to visitors on two afternoons a week , also to groups by appointment and occasionally to entertain for the Trust .
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