Example sentences of "and at [adv] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 FRENCH fishermen fought with riot police in several ports yesterday and at least one policeman was badly hurt as anger over cheap imports spilled over into violence .
2 Many PDA leaders were also arrested , and at least one PPP official , Salman Taseer , was reported to have been tortured .
3 At sea the American navy has fired more than 100 cruise missiles from a battleship , cruisers and at least one submarine .
4 Copies of these could be used by landing craft flotillas and at least one survey showed an intended landing point for trucks was backed by impassable cliffs — shades of Rhodes .
5 The grounds for doubt are very varied but there are now several cases of chimpanzees , and at least one gorilla , who have first been taught to communicate with their human mentors in an apparently rational way by means of stereotyped signs invented by their teachers and have then gone on to use these signs grammatically , generating novel sentences as if the signs formed a genuine human language .
6 ( c. 1105–1184 ) , bishop of Lisieux , was born near Seés in Normandy between 1105 and 1109 , the second son of Hardouin de Neuville and an unnamed mother ; a younger brother and at least one sister completed the family .
7 IN JUNE 1973 , I spoke at Wellesley College , Massachusetts , to a small audience of students , visitors , and at least one reporter .
8 Mick Crackbene is there sitting outside that harbour with the Doria and at least one galley at his disposal .
9 Oil has been found under both lakes , for example , and at least one company would like to drill for it .
10 Are you female , aged 23-35 , with a degree or equivalent professional qualification , a good working knowledge of French and at least one year 's work experience ?
11 A follow up study on 22 patients before and at least one year after eradication of H pylori showed that the mean extent of gastric metaplasia did not change significantly after eradication and did not differ when compared wth 21 patients with persisting infection .
12 In October 1796 Barnard married Catherine ( died 1837 ) , daughter of John Byde ; they had one son , George ( died 1817 ) , and at least one daughter , who died young .
13 Agassi has proved himself extremely capable against Europeans , Australians and at least one Canadian .
14 Venous blood samples were drawn between 8 and 9 am , after an overnight fast and at least one hour 's bed rest , for routine haematology and serum biochemistry tests and for the specific analyses .
15 When there is a change in partnership membership , and at least one person is a partner both before and after the change , for the purposes of assessing profits to tax , the trade is treated as having ceased and a new trade commenced unless an election is made under s 113(2) , TA 1988 .
16 Also , the proportion of households containing one person living alone increased between 1981 and 1991 from 22% to 26% , and the proportion of households containing only one adult and at least one child increased from 2% to 4% .
17 It is true that an inability to legislate upon certain matters might render a constitution prone to crisis but on others it would be far from necessarily fatal and at least one judge , in a common law country , has recently acceded to the proposition that he might be prepared to disavow the power of the otherwise unlimited New Zealand Parliament to enact law providing , for example , for human torture .
18 However , an examination of the floor ( it rests in situ ) shows that Hakewill 's drawing is not entirely accurate ( the pelta-urns for example , are too elongated ) ; The pelta-urns now visible at North Leigh are more akin to those of the all-over pattern from Cirencester ( see above ) — another mosaic with guilloche mat filled tilted squares and at least one roundel which encloses a flower of four heart-shaped petals .
19 Each is furnished in a modern style with private facilities and at least one balcony .
20 Somehow Boulestin contrived to persuade these gentlemen that the great statesman , surfeited with political banquets and pompous food , would appreciate something simple and at least one dish and one wine from his native Nantais country .
21 The plastic weapon has been condemned as tasteless and at least one shop has withdrawn it from sale .
22 And at least one adult had to be involved .
23 And at least one piece of forensic originality , for — prior to this novel — there was no recorded human fatality resulting from the venom of the Queensland can-toad .
24 ‘ Over the years too the story has grown and at least one fan seems to recall that I potted every ball in the final frame one-handed ! ’
25 Behind Lucy 's head , an office party , obviously continued from lunch-time , was getting slowly and inevitably out of hand and at least one guy from the Accounts Department ( why is it always Accounts ? ) was not waving , but drowning in the typing pool .
26 Although no precise consortium bank definition exists , the Bank of England defines it as one owned by other banks in which none has more than 50 per cent ownership and at least one shareholder is an overseas bank .
27 The congregation was a colourful mixture of students , teaching staff , and parishioners and at least one College Principal was in the congregation .
28 The milk 's small fat globules make it highly digestible — almost as good as goat 's milk in this respect — and at least one farm is specialising in Red Poll cheese for export .
29 These were compounded by my recollections of a series of visits to Moorfields Eye Hospital and at least one incarceration there when I was about four .
30 AND at least one club ( Wimbledon ) were above us when we beat them !
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