Example sentences of "and at [adj] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Bank may — ( a ) by notice in writing served on an authorised institution require it to produce , within such time and at such place as may be specified in the notice , such document or documents of such description as may be so specified ; ( b ) authorise an officer , servant or agent of the Bank , on producing evidence of his authority , to require any such institution to provide him forthwith with such information , or to produce to him forthwith such documents , as he may specify , being such information or documents as the Bank may reasonably require for the performance of its functions under this Act .
2 This sets out the objective in each area and at each stage and so may be appropriate for a long or complex assignment .
3 Repayment loans — customers pay fixed monthly repayments based on what the Finance House expects the market interest rate to be over the period of the loan , and at regular interval or the end of the loan , the difference between actual and estimated interest rates is calculated , and the difference is paid or received by the customer .
4 They can usually be built relatively quickly and at low cost and are easy to understand and operate .
5 The mid seems a little biased towards the upper part of the frequency band and at low level that also adds bite to the top end , creating a good , solid midrange tone .
6 The maximum you should pay is 48p for a minute ; I 've checked it and I can place a concisely worded advert in about 45 seconds , and at cheap rate that works out at 27p .
7 and at one stage when I was walking in India we used to stay at bungalows and one was called Marian Shola and another was called Pine Shola , because it meant that it was a , it was a bungalow in a group of pine trees
8 Anne , the Pixie Second , often ran errands for her , and at one time or another most of the Brownies in the Pack had done a good turn for the little old lady .
9 So she needs the baby to do that and at that point once her milk production schedule is under way as it were , at that point when , just before she 's about to start giving them , then she should test the baby because that 's the big energetic cost to her .
10 It may be at a , at a truly rational level we can all perfectly well do all kinds of other things rationally on a truly rational level , because there we have this this er high degree of that comes with rationality , but at a deeper , kind of gut level , the emotional feelings we , we find that it 's , it 's much more difficult , and at that point if you do n't try and change things and do things that are unnatural , you find you 're kind of going against the emotional grain and er perhaps some people find it easier than others , but perhaps everybody will feel a certain erm tug as it were , certain erm discomfort or a certain emotional alienation from themselves which er perhaps is because we 're trying to do something more basic we just were n't designed for .
11 I was dragged out of my bed one morning when I was in A Division , and at that time unless you passed your life-saving exams in the water , you could n't be considered for promotion .
12 He had known Eliot since the First World War , and at that time and until the poet 's death in 1965 , he was seeing him frequently .
13 I am aware of cases in my constituency — of course they are rare — where the investigating authorities have gone into matters extremely carefully and at great length while being most careful to ensure that there is no publicity that would be likely to lead to prejudice one way or the other .
14 Mrs Levine argues with some conviction and at great length that the break-up of Asquith 's romance with Venetia was centrally shattering to the prime minister , was directly responsible for his flaccid performance in the contemporaneous creation of the 1915 Coalition , and indirectly led to the decline of his grip and power and to the end of the Liberal party as a governing force .
15 However , I can debate with anyone and at any stage that Gibson was right at the time for the Dams .
16 We sang marching across the muddy fields in front of the farmhouse , we sang in the cookhouse tent before we were allowed to eat , we sang at parade before we went off to exercise , and at any point that the staff thought we had nothing to do , it was out with the songbooks .
17 And at any time if you decide you 'd rather be in government bonds than in , say , stock market shares , just let us know .
18 If we found an object such as a watch upon a heath , even if we did n't know how it had come into existence , its own precision and intricacy of design would force us to conclude that the watch must have had a maker : that there must have existed , at some time , and at some place or other , an artificer or artificers , who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer ; who comprehended its construction , and designed its use .
19 I mean death is the price we pay for life , and at some point or other it 's very desirable to depart from this world certainly .
20 And at this point when a range of established values were under scrutiny , the body was made to carry a new symbolic load which reflected the change from the social conformity of the previous decades .
21 It could not be done on this day and at this spot but he had heard and seen enough of the bouldery , rocky , unstable earth treachery of the district to know that it was possible .
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