Example sentences of "and he have been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And he had been lately reported , according to Ockleton , teaching in the West Country .
2 During his 12 years in the post Späth had consolidated Baden-Württemberg 's reputation as a prosperous state and he had been widely regarded as a possible successor to Kohl .
3 It was imperative , as he knew , not to get embroiled in politics , and he had been utterly furious when it appeared that architect Rod Hackney had done it for him .
4 His tank had been in an encounter with a German howitzer and he had been badly burnt , his face , hands and arms requiring extensive plastic surgery , although he went on to run a preparatory school in Sussex .
5 The joint favourite Mr Michael Buckley 's The Proclamation fell at the fourth fence , which was a nasty blow to his many supporters and he had been heavily backed .
6 The old man — she was the child of a second marriage , and he had been well past forty before she was born — snorted his disbelief , but she knew he was doing little more than vent the nervousness of the past hours , now that the suspense was over .
7 John 's father , Sir William Herschel , was the discoverer of the planet Uranus in 1781 , and he had been firmly convinced of the possibility of life on other worlds .
8 The Continental Palace orchestra had been playing the new popular melody " Tea for Two " as he came out onto the terrace , and he had been faintly surprised in the event that nobody had turned to stare at him .
9 And he had been too stupid , or perhaps too sentimental , to destroy her last letter .
10 Since our return , Holmes had been working hard on two other cases , and he had been too busy to discuss the Baskerville case .
11 They had liked each other , got on with remarkably little rancour and he had been genuinely upset , if principally in his pride , when she had left him .
12 And he had been perfectly justified , he assured himself smugly , in cancelling their holiday plans at once — she had never been going to get back on time .
13 He was English and he had been very clever .
14 He had been working at the Council depot as an attendant when Joe offered him the job , and he had been very pleased to make the change .
15 He came back , and he had been very quick , with an umbrella from which , as he plunged in through the swing door , he was tearing the plastic wrapping .
16 The class had taken a whole afternoon to find him buried beneath his precious collection and he had been more concerned about his stones than himself .
17 Then , of course , the other side was his interest in Child Education , and he had been more or less in the outset of the exciting development which had been going on in Vienna , and had come back with all kinds of ideas .
18 Kelly and he had been so calm and businesslike , and yet …
19 He had thought that that would be the last he would hear of her , but a few days later she had sent him her first piece , and he had been so impressed by it that he had printed it and asked her to write more for him .
20 and he 'd been away for three months so that you know I mean
21 William always went that step further into life 's nightmares , and he 'd been closer to it , to start with .
22 He was only thirteen and he 'd been particularly close to his mother .
23 I always remember I had Tommy Ken Russell and he 'd been on .
24 He said he was called Prentice and he was a detective-sergeant and he 'd been well trained in the most vicious of police techniques : politeness and reasonableness .
25 She 'd been polite , and he 'd been too quick to imagine that it might signify something more .
26 When the door had opened to admit her , the waiting tension still gnawing at him had finally transformed itself into swift action , and he 'd been too busy quitting the bed and judging the right moment to attack to identify the intruder .
27 He 'd had himself painted and sculptured again and again , and he 'd been there for all the world to see .
28 Something unpushable about him had made Davies hesitate , and he 'd been all right , there had been nothing to fear ; he and Davies were friends now .
29 And he 'd been more unkind than usual in this odd period of sobriety .
30 He was from and he 'd been out of work a long time .
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