Example sentences of "and on the [num ord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the eighth of February of nineteen seventy two died and on the eleventh of May seventy three died and the plaintiff 's continued the action but the action failed so he was awarded damages from the sale of his estate and on the twenty first of July nineteen seventy two commenced an action against solicitors for negligence or breach of professional duty in detecting to register the option necessity of so doing .
2 The May total includes some exceptional movements of puffinus off Beachy Head , on 28 May 1972 , involving 84 birds , and 8 May 1975 , involving 64 birds , and on the 9th with 126 birds .
3 Tylers the Company that won the tender when Crawley District Council put it out of a bunch of gangsters and on the first of February Crawley District Council awarded under C C T their refuse contract to Tylers as the cheapest tenderer .
4 I contacted Beth , and on the 10th of October , just four days before going to my surgeon , she came to my house .
5 Early in the April of 1859 the contract on the land was signed , and on the 26th of that month , at the age of twenty-five , William Morris married Jane Burden , an Oxford girl .
6 On seventeenth of August nineteen sixty seven object of defeating the option and having discovered through the result of his solicitors that the option had not been registered , sold and been paid the farm five hundred pounds and after the sale by registering the option under the land chartered act and on the sixth of October nineteen sixty seventeen could have exercised the option and neither or his wife complied with the notice and on March twenty eighth nineteen sixty eight wife died and on the twenty seventh of January nineteen seventy commenced proceedings against his father against his mother 's executors the declaration of the option was .
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