Example sentences of "and for [art] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 I want to go back the year , nineteen hundred , and let's hear the causes of death , because when many infectives caused by viruses and the bacteria , the life expectancy for a male was fifty , and for a women was fifty four .
2 With only a slight quickening of their pace , Roderick Random , the eponymous hero of Smollett 's 1739 novel , and his companion caught up with the carrier wagon and for a shilling were taken to the next inn on their journey from Newcastle to London .
3 She looked at the telephone on her desk and for a minute was tempted to pick it up and ask for David Fairfax 's number .
4 Looking back to the latter half of our time in Scotland , I seem to have been engaged in a variety of activities : was twice part of a consortium to bid ( unsuccessfully ) for the franchise for Scottish Television ; was appointed chairman of the board of Edinburgh 's Royal Lyceum Theatre Company , a post I held for seven years ; was persuaded to stand as a candidate for Lord Rector of Edinburgh University and ( mercifully ) was defeated by its former Roman Catholic chaplain ; gave poetry recitals with Moira at Edinburgh Festivals and elsewhere ; attacked in a lecture to the Royal Society of Arts the moronic language of disc jockeys whom I referred to as ‘ the Anyway Boys ’ ( the word ‘ anyway ’ being their standard linking passage ) — but singled out for praise a comparative unknown by the name of Terry Wogan ; rejoined the Liberal Party ; took part in a shoot where in the gloaming I brought down what I thought was a woodcock but turned out to be a parrot , escaped recently from its cage a mile away ; fished for salmon in Spain where my guide was called Jesus ( and enjoyed bawling for him down the river bank ) and on the way home visited the marvellous cave paintings of Altamira and Lascaux ; proposed ite health of Prince Philip at a Variety Club luncheon and of London 's Lord Mayor at his midsummer banquet ( he was also chairman of the London Rubber Company to which I made some fruity references ) ; and for a year was resident British columnist of the American weekly magazine , Newsweek International .
5 Tony Zanetta : ‘ By this time , I 'd become the President of MainMan and for a time was Ton 's right hand man running errands for him .
6 This aircraft was fitted with only two upper wing fuel tanks , and for a time was used on test flights with four-bladed propellers which , instead of the usual right angles , had angles of 80° and 100° .
7 He received his BD by 1611 , his DD by 1613 , was ordained priest ( 1610 ) , and for a time was tutor to Lord Wharton 's son .
8 She had walked down the stairs and for a moment been taken for , and almost become , Kettering 's wife .
9 He was angered , and for a moment was tempted to reply that Louise herself had managed to fit in to French society , despite her origins and her antecedents , but he curbed himself .
10 Oh , heck , Fabia thought , and for a moment was flummoxed to know what to do next .
11 The rate of economic growth in Britain slowed down and for a period was in absolute decline .
12 Colleagues this is taking away the trade union 's right to negotiate a redundancy package on behalf of our members we need to negotiate a package when it 's required for the members and for the members being forced out of their jobs with just a statutory they should recompense their service .
13 As , for school-leavers at least , the entry qualifications for the degree-level course and for the Dip.HE are the same , then they are very likely to prefer the former .
14 You will find out that sportsmanship , respect for your opponents and for the rules are all factors which will add to your enjoyment and sense of achievement when playing any sport .
15 So that 's why IBM Corp was ready to get rid of MAPICS , one of its very few ostensibly successful software applications : Marcam Corp signalled in a conference call on Thursday night that analysts for now should not expect the product line from IBM to add to Marcam 's earnings in fiscal 1994 ; it indicated that both this year and for the time being next year their guidance is no positive impact on earnings from the MAPICS acquisition , ’ Hambrecht & Quist analyst Robert Herwick says .
16 This , however , lay still in the future , and for the time being the seventeen industrialised towns and villages ( out of thirty-two ) in Babergh hundred contained almost three-quarters of its population and 87 per cent of its wealth .
17 And that , for most people and for the time being , said everything .
18 It was no wonder that the Vietnamese , he said , were willing to turn to anyone who offered them a helping hand ; and for the time being , for him and perhaps for most Vietnamese , it was China , and the kuomintang , not surprisingly , which exerted the greatest influence on the development of Vietnamese nationalism : and especially a Kuomintang which still included communists as well as nationalists .
19 Johnson 's first task was to ensure a smooth transition of power , and for the time being he kept together the Kennedy team .
20 ( 1 ) Premises shall be disqualified for receiving a licence if they are situated on land acquired or appropriated by a special road authority , and for the time being used , for the provision of facilities to be used in connection with the use of a special road provided for the use of traffic of class 1 ( with or without other classes ) .
21 We can all still bring leather in from our friends in Australia but for reasons that I do n't wholly understand , this is very much dearer than the local er supplies available and for the time being it 's not of interest to the saddlery-makers in Walsall .
22 There are products and there is cash-flow , and for the time being survival can continue .
23 But planners are paid to be pessimistic , and for the time being they felt it prudent to assume that American assistance in a crisis — imperative though it would be — was likely to be forthcoming only after an unpredictable interval .
24 Now if you can just say on that , that that excludes any resources for the economic development action plan and for the time being resources for that initiative are being held centrally into Personnel and Finance sub-committee 's budget and as the action plans develop then money will be released from a contingency there to er go to the Planning Department or to whichever department that has actually been implementing that particular part of the action .
25 British rowing officials are not known for making sweeping changes and for the time being they say Henley will stay as it is …
26 Since the QT Meeting on the 7th has indicated that she is feeling a little better and for the time being is willing to continue as the Teachers ' Representative , however , it is possible that in the future she may require assistance to carry out her duties .
27 Now , the mechanical coal-cutter , the conveyor belt , and the steel arch for roof support were quickly supplanting the old hand-methods , and for the stalls were substituting the long face where the coal-cutter undercut a greater length of the coal-seam , and the colliers , instead of working in pairs , now worked in groups , filling the coal on to the moving conveyor belt that ran parallel to the face .
28 He has , he says , been ‘ overwhelmed ’ by the kindness and support he has received , and for the moment is relishing not working a 14-hour day and seeing more of his wife and four children .
29 Family cases should be only referred to a solicitor where detailed advice and negotiation about the arrangements to be made for financial provision and for the children were needed ; other civil cases should only be referred once it was clear that court proceedings should be initiated .
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