Example sentences of "and was [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 So Shaun got to hold court , shoot his mouth off and was rarely challenged for his dodgy comments .
2 Seconded from the Foreign Office as her deputy private secretary , Powell was soon reckoned by his former colleagues to have ‘ gone native ’ , and was widely resented for his continued and easy access to the Prime Minister 's ear , into which he appeared to be whispering something which was definitely not the authorized FO version .
3 I had been trying to get a membership list for the Cicero Club , but the only other name I could come up with was George Macready , a scarfaced iceman who had a profitable share of the City 's gambling and was best known for his sword-extruding walking stick .
4 By the time Edward III finally divested himself of the Templar lands , in 1338 , he had already resumed the alien priories for the duration of the war and was thus compensated for any losses resulting .
5 Ian , former Durham CIU bowls champion , put the club on the map last year by winning the Bath Open Tournament and was immediately nominated for the Clubman of the Year title by members of the club .
6 She admitted destroying property by fire and making hoax telephone calls and was conditionally discharged for one year .
7 Grace Stanislaus of the Bronx ( NYC ) Museum of the Arts delivered a demagogic , platitudinous rehash of the multicultural musings of the past decade , and was loudly applauded for p.c. effort .
8 Dust layered the bottom of the chamber pot ; it had not been used for a long time and was probably meant for show .
9 He refused to live in the President 's official residence , and was particularly remembered for his outspoken opposition to terrorism and the Mafia , his support for human rights , and his personal presence at times of national disaster as well as of celebration .
10 He was banned from driving for 10 years and was also jailed for an additional six months for driving while disqualified .
11 He was a member of the sable team and was also selected for the tragic Munich Games .
12 He inflicted the first wound to Taylor 's hopes by conceding a penalty equaliser against the Dutch at Wembley and was also criticised for goals by Poland and Norway which threw away the points that would by now have left qualification a formality .
13 Lewin , of Toxteth , who had never taken a driving test and was already banned for stealing cars , admitted manslaughter .
14 This served with 28 Squadron under 5 Wing and was later stored for a long time at 15 Air Depot at Snake Valley , adjacent to Swartkop before going to serve with the MEFS at Bloemspruit .
15 Richard Weston , an associate of Gresham 's , was certainly involved in the plot against Overbury , and was later hanged for his part in the murder .
16 At the age of eighteen in the early '50s he was working for Rickenbacker ( and was allegedly sacked for building a guitar to his own design ) .
17 I just knew it would be a trick question to start the contest and was desperately groping for a trick answer when Swartz said ‘ Silverstone ’ and scored his opening point .
18 Duke Berthold of Zähringen was now put up as the candidate of the Welfs because he appeared a man of means and was well known for his hostility to the Staufer .
19 The old general was a traditionalist who believed in the rule of authority , and was well known for his right-wing views .
20 It was invented by the Tibetan lamas and was originally reserved for the use of the elite corps of bodyguards that protected the emperor of China .
21 It 's a relic from the building 's yacht pavilion days , and was originally used for hauling drunks out of the water .
22 The Jacobean table in the living/dining room has crossed the Atlantic twice and was originally bought for the thatched cottage in Hertfordshire .
23 It had been most enjoyable with a tremendous amount of flying : I had been in every part of the Command — Persia as it was in those days , down the Gulf and all the way round the Gulf to Bahrain , Salalah , I took part in the search for the Imperial Airways Argosy airliner City of Glasgow that landed on the beach and was literally lost for a couple of days before one of the Shaihah crews found it away down beyond Sulwah Wells .
24 A few months later , I received a letter from Surrey County AA which stated : ‘ … affiliations to BAF do not include a county affiliation , ’ and was consequently asking for a fee .
25 From this period onwards she adopted a distinctive dress and was always remembered for her lace mantilla , her plain sandals , and her austerely simple clothes .
26 The 20-year-old lightweight , from manager Peter Reid 's home town of Liverpool , scored the first , made the second and was always trouble for Leeds .
27 So , as Harriet Ryley reports , he never knew of , and was never honoured for the vital role his plane played in the Second World War .
28 Luckily for her , she had a clever lawyer at her trial , and was never punished for the murder .
29 A Home Office spokesman said : ‘ It is an internal document and was never intended for publication .
30 He had no outstanding gifts , of intelligence , learning , or good looks , and was never employed for any important administrative , political , or diplomatic office .
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