Example sentences of "and was [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nikolai Ryzkhov suffered a heart attack on Dec. 25 , and was replaced as Prime Minister by Pavlov on Jan. 14 , 1991 [ see p. 37970 ] .
2 It should be noted that this concept of study skills was still not as broad as the full-blown information skills approach nominated in the proposal document , and was seen as achievable by one of a number of means which the committee considered .
3 The word chrysalis is Greek for ‘ gold ’ and was given because many chrysalises have gold spots on them to disguise them .
4 This was a precious baby : four months earlier Fiona , then 31 , had miscarried at 13 weeks and was determined that this time things would go well .
5 Was it because she knew the Miletti family only too well , and was determined that this time at least everything should not be conveniently hushed up ?
6 Indeed , if any single scientific theory is to represent the advances of natural science in our period , and was recognised as crucial , it was the theory of evolution , and if any one figure dominated the public image of science it was the craggy and somewhat ape-like one of Charles Darwin ( 1809–82 ) .
7 It represented the second successive decline and was viewed as another sign that the economy is growing , albeit slowly .
8 Nezzar , 54 , had become Defence Minister in July 1990 and was regarded as one of the most influential members of the HCS , having supervised the two states of siege imposed during Chadli 's presidency , in October 1988 and June 1991 [ see pp. 36507 ; 38312 ] .
9 Union des populations camerounaises ( UPC — Union of Cameroonian Peoples , operating latterly as a Paris-based clandestine organization , having been banned since 1960 ; it was held responsible for unrest in the 1960s and was regarded as communist-led ) .
10 Du Plessis , who took on the Finance portfolio in 1984 and was regarded as heir-apparent to de Klerk , said that he was retiring because he was " exhausted " .
11 The decision to produce fissile material in the United Kingdom had been taken before the breakdown and was regarded as non-negotiable in any circumstances … .
12 Mackie at that time had been unable to conceive and was troubled and unhappy because of it .
13 The decision was widely seen as an attempt to support the Sri Lankan government in its war against Tamil guerrillas , and was announced as Foreign Minister Shukla completed a three-day visit to Sri Lanka .
14 With full and proper ceremony he walked through the sacred fire and was accepted as pure by the god Asuryan .
15 The famous Vardon grip , immortalized in a bronze cast at the South Herts Club , was , with slight modifications , adopted by subsequent professional players and was accepted as orthodox by professional teachers all over the world .
16 However , I tabled a written question some time ago about increasing the number of occupational therapists in Northern Ireland and was assured that that would happen .
17 In the street Dr Tervahauta saw many amputees and was told that two hundred amputations had been done within the town since the beginning of the siege .
18 At half-past nine she rang the police station and was told that DCI Harris had just gone out and was not expected back until after lunch .
19 In consulted the ladies again , and was told that these nightmares were caused by an incarnation in Ancient Greece where I had been sacrificed to the Sun God .
20 I do n't know whether it contributed much — one never knows oneself whether it contributes or nOt — but I never took my eyes off Peter during this scene , willed him to do this , that and the other , and was saddened and grieved and distressed by the fact that everybody turned against him at the end .
21 Such a method was proposed by Jussieu in 1789 , and first in France and then elsewhere it was steadily adopted , and was improved as more characteristics were taken into account .
22 He called the aircraft and was advised that both engines had flamed out and that a forced landing would be necessary .
23 But the photograph resembled Myra Hindley and was taken as such in many quarters , especially by the scandal hungry tabloids who were fast turning The Smiths into some kind of sinister platform for the beliefs of the wicked Morrissey .
24 This specialty focus could be perceived as ‘ plea bargaining ’ and was taken as such by at least two chairpeople of health authorities .
25 The young man had ridden hard , and was stained and tired , and not a little frightened at the magnitude of the disaster he reported .
26 The lifeboat was rehoused at 0145 and was refuelled and ready for service at 0215 .
27 She had surgery yesterday morning and was described as comfortable .
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