Example sentences of "and having a [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 but it would be worth the kids on their weekend trips going and having a look in there .
2 Accountability or value for money is not the only reason for knowing what government is doing and having a say in it , but the consumer may have a more direct effect on policy and the producer than any number of democratic arguers .
3 Equally , however , it should be recognised that some writing is about communicating with the outside world and having a say in that world .
4 This comes from being self-taught and having a background in church music .
5 At the southern end , the road follows the valley of the River Rawthey along the base of the Howgill Fells , seen intimately in colourful array and having a highlight in Cautley Spout where waterfalls plunge 800 feet down a steep fellside ; east of the road are the sprawling slopes of Baugh Fell .
6 He was charged with reckless driving and having a pistol in his car They fined him $240 or something .
7 It is keen to exploit the so-called personal communications market — supposedly destined to grow from one million world users in 1994 to 100 million by 2000 — and having a finger in both pies means it wins either way .
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