Example sentences of "and went [adv prt] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Is he aware that , in the case of telecoms , the price control formula started at retail prices index minus 3 and went on to RPI minus 4.5 and only recently has been increased to RPI minus 6.25 ?
2 And tt Jan was er was er wondering during last year and went on to hormone replacement therapy because she was and the doctor was a bit concerned about possible osteoporosis which is erm brittle bone
3 By contrast , Jack Nicklaus made an eagle three and went on to birdie the next two holes , turning around a deficit of four shots to win the tournament .
4 Then she turned , was shrouded in darkness , and went up to bed .
5 Bernard in a state of disgust , left the proceedings early and went up to bed .
6 I do n't know how Ian Cromb got it , but he got this great big blimmin' pipe and went along to Dad and said ‘ How about a fill , Dad ? ’ .
7 Today he trudged up to his cubbyhole of a room , showered in the communal bathroom , and went along to tea at four-thirty .
8 She had a private word with Iain in the after cabin , then put her anorak on over her dress and went off to bed , escorted by Captain Freddie .
9 But Jamie longed for adventure and , while still a boy , he joined the crew of a boat at Ayr harbour and went off to sea .
10 But Charles dithered and went off to sea .
11 She could n't eat any of her meal and went off to school where she had to sit alongside Mr Clark 's daughter .
12 Back in Frenchay , Caroline , who has never got things out of perspective , changed out of her special Palace outfit and went off to choir practice as if nothing had happened .
13 ‘ From what I understand , you broke off your romance with him and went off to university to pursue your qualifications .
14 what he wanted to do and and then he got a reasonable pass and went off to university .
15 During the war he sold his interest in his galleries and went off to war ; following this six-year closure he reopened the Hans Road gallery but decided not to reopen the American galleries ; it was hard enough to get the good material for one shop .
16 She joined the old South of Scotland Electricity Board in 1976 as a legal assistant — the first female solicitor it had employed — but by 1980 wanted to do something different and went back to university with the company 's blessing ( and a scholarship ) to get an MBA .
17 I do n't think he realised learning the facts of life was precisely what most of us would do if we stopped demonstrating and went back to bed .
18 Looked out of the window at rain , no horizon and a cloud-base under 500 ‘ ft ‘ and went back to bed for another hour .
19 I took off my dressing-gown and went back to bed .
20 He closed the casement and went back to bed and to sleep .
21 Earlier this year , in May , they voted for change , but when Noriega disavowed the election result the mass of the people shrugged their shoulders and went back to work .
22 Dr Sasaki got up and went back to work .
23 In October the Nottinghamshire miners formed a breakaway union and went back to work .
24 She found a childminder and went back to work .
25 Tribe looked up , waved , and went back to work .
26 ‘ Why do n't you fuck off you cunt , ’ he told him — and went back to work .
27 Then she shrugged and went back to work .
28 But for the last two weeks of the holidays I was continually feeling ‘ sick ’ and ‘ shaky ’ , and went back to school , weighing seven stone one pound .
29 Brown married shortly after the flight and went back to engineering .
30 I dressed and shaved and went down to breakfast under the colonnade .
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