Example sentences of "and went [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 He stopped and went on in a low voice , ‘ I came back early from school and when I came in I saw she 'd been crying . ’
2 The music stopped and went on in a brisker six-eight rhythm .
3 She received the watch and chain from the pawnbroker 's daughter , together with the new pawn ticket and fivepence , and went off in a pleasured state over the transaction , although a little worried that Queen Mary might find out that her naughty niece wanted to show her legs riding bareback on a circus horse .
4 Pulling her cloak around her and laying her fork carefully along the wooden pegs on the side of the wain , Alexandra climbed the iron railings , already cold and slippery with new snow , and went off in the direction of the kitchen .
5 They were half-way to the car when she found she 'd left something behind and went back in a flurry of carrier bags and magazines .
6 Then he turned and went out in the garden again , closing the door behind him .
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