Example sentences of "and did not [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 While the Canadian business has been profitable , WH Smith believes the returns being obtained on £75m of sales from 200 outlets are not comparable with the returns that can be obtained in other markets and did not justify the future investment necessary to develop the chain .
2 Her work entailed taking orders and payments for hampers , but when she was asked to supply hampers to one customer she kept the money and did not deliver the hampers .
3 The House considered the decision in McGhee and stated that the judgment of Lord Wilberforce in that case was a minority one and did not represent the law .
4 The communiqué that was issued after the meeting noted that the talks had been ‘ frank and useful ’ and did not disguise the fact that there were still ‘ major differences ’ on a series of key issues ; but the two leaders had achieved a better understanding of their respective positions and had agreed on the importance of maintaining a ‘ constant dialogue ’ .
5 If your original application was rejected by some or all of the institutions you listed , this might have been because it was delayed and did not reach the admissions tutor until after the course was full .
6 The two unusual inscriptions , just referred to , were evidently passed by the Council on its own sole initiative , and did not reach the Assembly : they record an alliance with Eretria , and honours for Dionysius I of Syracuse .
7 But he feared a jaunt to Expo 92 in Seville would send the wrong message to the markets — and did not want the humiliation of returning early to deal with a sterling crisis .
8 One must doubt whether it was the Israeli ‘ government 's intention to introduce into the West Bank the Israeli norm of democratic elections ’ since the authorities deeply regretted the outcome , and did not repeat the experiment .
9 Dustin knew he was coming in to Broadway with Jimmy Shine and did not relish the idea of making a film and simultaneously appearing in a play , especially as the production was having problems on the road .
10 The American defence chiefs were alarmed at the threat from the Soviet Union and China and did not relish the thought of their participating in a treaty .
11 He was certainly not one of the ‘ tame ’ scholars and did not expect the young people to be so .
12 MacArthur was dedicated to the extirpation of militarism and did not favour the development of defence forces .
13 At Winterton ( Fowler 1818 , no. 2 ) he , evidently , played a very large ? lyre and did not face the spectator .
14 Europe 's most voracious banana-eaters , Germany , as well as Belgium and Denmark , do not have such colonial commitments and did not sign the Lomé Convention .
15 He did not mention his family and did not give the impression of a man with marital problems . ’
16 The rising generation of students were more optimistic about the future and did not carry the emotional burdens of the Cultural Revolution .
17 At least , their poems and stories were consistent with this aspect of the image and did not contain the ambiguities or contradictions of their account of rejection of Turkish government .
18 The enlargement of the EC had , quite simply , come at the worst possible time so far as global economic conditions were concerned , and did not bring the dynamic improvements that had been hoped for .
19 They are concerned with a statutory form of control rather than the common law , and did not mention the House of Lords ' decisions which are to the contrary .
20 The Leicestershire and Rutland Trust for Nature Conservation were given overall responsibility for creating the reserve — and did not shirk the task .
21 He saw an unknown reporter alone and did not check the copy .
22 In addition maternal and paternal asthma were included in the regression analyses and did not modify the association between independent and dependent variables .
23 If Pargeter was telling the truth and did not leave the party until the body was found , she could not have murdered Nicola .
24 Even before the change , many of the policies , by the time they had been through the rather over-bureaucratic structures , became distorted and did not benefit the peasants to the extent that they should have done .
25 That is why the industry was able to cope with its highest work load ever in real terms , and did not suffer the labour shortages experienced in the 1960s .
26 Holly stepped into the slow-moving queue , took his pace from those who went before and after him , did not close and did not widen the gaps .
27 The density of lamina propria lymphocytes was somewhat increased in most groups of coeliac patients , but this showed considerable variability and did not exhibit the same relationship to dietary status ( Table ) .
28 Harold P. Ford , a long-serving and widely respected former CIA analyst , portrayed Gates as a self-serving careerist who curried favour with his superiors and did not manifest the necessary independence of judgment .
29 For some reason we do not think in such simplistic terms and did not dismiss the Director of Licensing at the CAA from office when the pilot of a Vanguard trying to land in a snowstorm at Basle failed to carry out a successful instrument approach and killed all those poor housewives out on a day shopping trip .
30 Of course , the effect produced by unbroken lines of gentlemen in evening suits , so outnumbering representatives of the fairer sex , was a rather severe one ; but then again , in those days , the two large chandeliers that hang over the table still ran on gas — resulting in a subtle , quite soft light pervading the room — and did not produce the dazzling brightness they have done ever since their electrification .
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