Example sentences of "and did [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The checks that were carried out were not particularly rigorous and did not in fact tend to reveal abuse .
2 Indeed , she walked so far and so long that she was too tired to write anything at all upon her return and did not in fact send a reply until the following day .
3 Despite this , she was a bright child and did well at school .
4 The Conservative Party won only 42.9 per cent of the popular vote , less than they had achieved in any election between 1945 and 1979 , and did badly in Scotland and much of northern England .
5 This system interconnected the rudder and ailerons and did away with rudder pedals ; all the flying was done with the yoke .
6 Asikpasazade , having noted the marked increase in the number of in Ali Pasa 's time , writes : " Those who came made the fetva [ an instrument of ] trickery and did away with piety
7 In fact , we had to teach him to swim , and did so at Toftingall .
8 THE stock market felt entitled to celebrate yesterday and did so in style .
9 In this he made the Black Panthers the first significant radical group to recognize gay liberation as a valid political movement , and did so in terms which provoked hostility from some in his own party : ‘ maybe I 'm injecting some of my prejudices by saying that ‘ even a homosexual can be revolutionary' ’ .
10 Even the Darwinian theory of evolution was impressive , not because the concept of evolution was new — it had been familiar for decades — but because it provided for the first time a satisfactory explanatory model for the origin of species , and did so in terms which were entirely familiar even to non-scientists , since they echoed the most familiar concept of the liberal economy , competition .
11 Excited by the countries he saw on his travels , he wanted to share his impressions with the audiences and did so in scenarios such as From Monte Carlo to Japan .
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