Example sentences of "and then [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The same lamb you put a rope round the neck of and then chased into the German minefield ? ’
2 What used to happen was that rain would fall on land and permeate through the ground to the ground water levels , but urbanisation has meant more roads , houses , car parks and the water ca n't soak through , instead it goes into drains , is treated and then goes into the sea .
3 She walked through the Jardin Albert-1er , with its picturesque fountain and outdoor theatre , and then plunged into the network of streets , all lined with their exquisite shops .
4 But as she moved instinctively beneath him he buried his face in her hair with a groan and then plunged into the very flower of her being .
5 The gendarme stood bewildered for a moment , and then ran into the street , where for some time he could be heard blowing his whistle .
6 Now , the lock gates are right , the river , so they can come up straight in , previous they used to have to go up , up the river there , new cut and then turn into the dock .
7 With a disbelieving shrug , he walked round to release the bonnet , and then glanced into the engine .
8 They both glanced behind them and then moved into the coloured shadows of the necromancer 's storeroom .
9 She heard it give way and then plunge into the water .
10 I traversed delicately into it and then swung into a frighteningly wide bridge .
11 And then made into a stack ?
12 Any reader who wishes to pursue the concepts further and obtain a more complete understanding should first explore the main textbooks on the subject , ie by Peter Checkland and Brian Wilson , and then delve into the many others that examine systems ideas , some of which are given in the list of references .
13 The solution was a light wood , varnished to make it harder , and then carved into a perfect reproduction of Amy 's photocopied design .
14 This was effective for a while with Colchester taking the set 15–7 and then moving into a 2–1 lead , but it was less successful in the fourth set as Nomads began equalling Colchester 's attacking strength .
15 Beginning with a bargain struck between the Crown and the nobles , and then moving into a skilful attack in the lawcourts , the government managed to persuade Parliament into passing in 1536 the great Statute of Uses which turned the ‘ use ’ into a legal estate and abolished completely this method of evasion .
16 The row below dulled and then flickered to life , muted for a short while and then raised into a furious crescendo .
17 One committed suicide by repeatedly smashing its rostrum against the concrete wall of the harbour , and then swimming into the net which held it captive .
18 The tip of his cigarette glowed on the other side of the glass and then vanished into the darkness of the room behind .
19 The 45 they 've decided to pluck from this last collection if ‘ Suck You Dry ’ , a glorious slab of grunge that opens with the innocent sound of a tambourine beating time and then explodes into a vampiric rocker that comes across like the successor ( at last ! ) to ‘ Touch Me , I 'm Sick ’ .
20 Ruth knocked on the now open door and then stepped into the suite .
21 ‘ I also remember that some of us were individually handed pigeons that we were meant to cradle in our hands and then throw into the air in the centre-circle .
22 Each opens with thanks addressed to Jesus for the particular incident of the Passion under consideration and closes with a prayer which first applies this incident to aspects of the meditator 's own life and then modulates into a set pattern indicated by the Latin directives Pater Noster , Et ne nos , Adoramus , Aue [ Our Father , And [ lead ] us not , we praise , Hail ] .
23 Until recently , the Loaches usually appeared at morning feeding time and then disappeared into a large bogwood cave , which has several exits and entrances , reappearing after lights out and sometimes during the evening .
24 Besides those who waited to journey together there were others who came up out of the forest alone and who seemed to belong there , men licensed by the Lord Warden to carry on their trade in certain parts of the forest , woodmen , trappers , charcoal burners , for the most part a silent surly sort of men who emerged from the forest , went briefly about their business , had little to say for themselves , and then disappeared into the solitude again .
25 It is recorded that a Masai once killed a cattle robber and then came into the district office to report the murder .
26 He sprinkled water over the towel and then went into a paroxysm of agony , nursing the injured arm against his chest and holding out his other hand for money .
27 For some time she looked round the garden for them and then went into the house .
28 When they got back , Ruth put Lil into the cot for her afternoon nap and then went into the bedroom , to see how Connor was feeling .
29 Someone came into the kitchen from the door to the hallway , switched on the light , apparently glanced round , and then went into the sitting room , leaving the door to the kitchen open .
30 When I went in , I carried on into the kitchen without taking my coat off , put the kettle on and then went into the living room .
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