Example sentences of "and were [verb] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There were no longer groups of pupils in any one class who were against the school and were wanting to disrupt the teaching of their teachers and really problems were reduced to individuals in each class , one or two pupils , which did n't present the same massive problem to teachers as the bottom streamed groups have done previously .
2 Rescuers sent out requests for supplies of drugs and were hampered reaching the injured because of tailbacks caused by earlier crashes .
3 Five Danish medical officers and four English coroners were supplied with details of forty cases of sudden death , half English and half Danish , and were asked to give a verdict of suicide , accident , homicide , natural causes , or ‘ open ’ .
4 The comparability of the CVs was confirmed by two consultants who were unaware of the purpose of the research and were asked to rate the CVs after the names had been removed .
5 For each item , the children either had to complete a sentence , such as Snoopy has cream on his face so … or they were given a description of the clue , such as The clue is that Snoopy has cream on his face , and were asked to tell the Pink Panther about the clue and what they had worked out .
6 It was said that the County Council ‘ received orders from the Government to do certain things in … education and other matters , and were bound to spend the money ’ .
7 However , after being refused passage by two ferry companies , they were forced to admit their load was not radioactive and were made to remove the stickers and signs before they could sail .
8 They listened to an impassioned sermon delivered by the Archbishop of Tyre and were moved to take the cross themselves .
9 The clubhouse plans ( of which no copy exists ) were discussed , and were revised to include a scullery ; the usual offices ( presumably the toilets ) were to be in a detached , rather than integral , building .
10 According to one , Sotheby 's had foreclosed and were seeking to sell the painting themselves in Switzerland at a price around $35m , a substantial reduction on the auction price — a private sale being preferred to the public ignominy of auction .
11 The George Emersons now had two girls and a boy and were beginning to want a real home — somewhere in the country where they could take root and unobtrusively found a dynasty .
12 Mixing curves are ticked to represent 20% increments , and were calculated using the following parameters .
13 It was as if in some government department in Washington , Damascus , Paris , Jerusalem , Rome or London , there were people who understood the true meaning of this military involvement and were trying to square the adventure with history .
14 These were termed severe events and were assumed to have a causal role .
15 At this point the whole incident could , perhaps , have been kept from public view , but plainly the Russians had no intention of abiding by normal protocol and were determined to alert the British press .
16 The couple already had several quotes for new windows when the rep arrived at their home and were determined to get a better deal .
17 They believed that anything could be obtained by force and were determined to exact the last drop of blood .
18 Crude relapse rates were calculated for each treatment using the method suggested by Kuirata , ( 100×number of relapses detected in 12 months , divided by the number recruited ) and were compared using a χ 2 test .
19 These ‘ turned ’ guns ( or drakes ) weighed a third less than conventional iron cannon and were intended to replace the costlier ( but lighter ) bronze guns on ships .
20 These succeeded the foundation of the NATO alliance in Europe and were intended to constrain the influence of Soviet and Chinese communism .
21 ‘ Several of my friends went up yesterday , and were expecting to spearhead a big breakthrough . ’
22 During 1991 they had recruited 109 graduates and were expecting to recruit a similar number in 1992 .
23 ‘ We had been escorting a convoy from Halifax to the UK and were ordered to leave the convoy , refuel in Reykjavik and take up patrol of the Denmark Strait , 150 miles west of Iceland .
24 Last month , Barnet were found guilty of financial irregularities by the Football League and were ordered to pay a fine of £50,000 , which they said they were going to appeal against .
25 A proposed cut in wages was doubled , they were charged 25 pence for the half-time orange and were required to leave a £35 deposit when they took their kit home for washing .
26 We all carried water bottles and were encouraged to drink a lot of water .
27 He also said the Conservatives were electioneering by raising the issue and were attempting to score a cheap political advantage .
28 We arrived at 9.30 , went through the usual contortions to buy a ticket , and were told to expect a train at 10.30 .
29 This ‘ anthropological ’ approach was the root of notions of production , exchange and consumption , which were thought to apply universally and were used to explain the economic arrangements of existing societies .
30 They were in demand to play fantastic or comic roles such as satyrs or jesters and were used to relieve the solemnity of late eighteenthand ninteenth-century ballets , e.g. the many jesters found in Petipa and Soviet ballets and Puck in Ashton 's The Dream .
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