Example sentences of "and she [vb -s] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then , years later — and she takes after the tall side of the family — she said , ‘ Now I am creature great , and you are creature small . ’
2 Now , if you , if a woman gets hurt and she goes to the police for help they come to the house and they tell the people concerned it 's a domestic argument !
3 Well , erm , she goes to him , well she told him , and she goes onto the pill yeah , and you know , she did n't tell her mum , she did n't tell her mum though , did she ?
4 [ BELVILLE strikes PAMELA and she falls to the ground . ]
5 She rightly notes that students are not entitled to any income support from the Department of Social Security during the summer vacation and she points to the real problems that exist in areas of high unemployment , such as Gateshead and on Tyneside in general , where students , whom the Government urge to take on part-time or full-time jobs during their vacation , simply do not find those jobs available .
6 She 's heard of Bayswater and she points up the road .
7 Carl gives Anna the newspaper and she reads about the princess , and about Carl .
8 Well if you 'd have seen that I mean I and she sleeps in the airing cupboard she 's now started to get in there , but she 's half out on the landing .
9 And she sits on the opposite to us last year .
10 Rachel signals for me to stay quiet , and she asks through the door what these guys want .
11 If you removed all the he saids and she saids from the writing above you would still know who was saying what because Nicolas and Bridget are doing different things .
12 She actually I have to be I 've been to her house and she lives in the middle of nowhere I wo n't tell you where , she lives in the middle of nowhere in fact I drove past it three times before we found it .
13 And she reaches for the knife .
14 Darius lets her in , and she strolls into the kitchen and grins .
15 He snores and she complains about the lack of a good cup of tea .
16 It sounds like the Velvet Underground mixed with … ’ — and she searches for the appropriate ingredient — ‘ … with Nico . ’
17 And she knows about the boy . ’
18 And that night Ruth arrives home to tell Naomi of all the wonderful things that has happened to her and she hands over the result of her day 's labour .
19 She 'd committed herself to God 's ways , and to God 's people , and God directs her , and she comes to the field of Boaz And there was none more able to meet her need .
20 She is about a third the size of the air-conditioned monsters , with two-thirds fewer passengers , and she blends with the panorama of the Nile .
21 they all sit there looking at her and saying bloody hell she ai n't got her own hat on , we 've been here quarter of an hour and she walks in the door , takes her coat off and says come on ladies you 're suppose to be off your hind by two o'clock , leaving here at two
22 I mean there 's one woman there working on a Three Eight Sixes twenty five megahertz and she works off the floppy all the time , she does n't use the hard drive .
23 and anyway she said that whoever the girl is , she works at the school in the day and she works at the erm
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