Example sentences of "and when [pron] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , when they 're there , living in , the nice little brown envelope with the weekly giro cheque arrives in their name ; and when they go the authorities depend on the dependents to pay off the debts .
2 And when they get the answer they pick up the the tro treasure the treasure .
3 far beyond their income and when they get the money they spend it in the wrong direction
4 That day the bones of the brother of my mother who went to the bottom of the sea will rise up through the green waters , and when they meet the air they will take on his flesh again , and he will swim far up into the endless air and he will meet the old man , free of his dust walking in the air , and my mother flying , and me flying , and I will be laughing .
5 We were within 5,000 votes and I think when people see how nearly effective the amount of tactical voting was and when they see the Tory support slipping , they will come very strongly over to us .
6 You have one on each leg erm and one erm on the bridle and apparently they use special tools that er hobble the mare and stop her moving , so she has n't got any choice and when they lead the stallion in , they got these five guys there erm with these various tools and they make , hold the mare still to make sure the stallion can mount , because apparently very often the mares wo n't have it and th they kick or they walk away .
7 And when we pull the wax off , all the hairs are in the wax so the majority of the hair is out in one pull .
8 No do it tomorrow , take everything off tomorrow and when we pull the beds out , strip the beds you can vac all behind the beds , right ?
9 We placed the coral slabs on film , illuminated with them with X-rays and when we develop the film you see band patterns like this .
10 Stay at the cart tail , and when we reach the end of the next tunnel , turn right .
11 We drink what we wish and when we return the bottle to him we will be charged accordingly . ’
12 We soak the feet in nice , erm , antiseptic soapy water , and when we think the feet have soaked enough for the skin to become soft , we take the feet out and then we rub with a foot file to get rid of the hard skin .
13 And when we give the people syndicate or group exercises to do , the group with the Swiss person or German person in it is subjected to , now what is it we are supposed to be doing now ?
14 Not only do we need a strategic deterrent , but there is a strong argument that a sub-strategic deterrent continues to be relevant at a time when there is a real risk of several new nations appearing which have some form of nuclear capability and when we risk the proliferation of not merely equipment but perhaps technology from some of the scientific bases in the former Soviet Union .
15 These three themes of scale , single versus multi-tier , and the special problems of the conurbations will recur both in the following chapter and when we discuss the services provided by local government in more detail in Chapter 4 .
16 And when we have the answers to at least some of these questions , will they help prevent a recurrence ?
17 In 1985 , its Labour majority was bigger than that of the Tories and the people of Derbyshire re-elected it in 1989 : they are satisfied with Derbyshire county council 's policies , and when we have the general election they will kick out the Under-Secretary of State and the hon. Member for Amber Valley ( Mr. Oppenheim ) , the man with the Pampers on .
18 Wait a minute we 've got to light th before we start everybody 's to sing and when I cut the cake , the pink bit is decoration so you do n't eat the pink bit but you eat all the rest of it , alright ?
19 I 've never shirked anything when it comes to a tangle of heads and bodies in the box and when I punch the ball it stays punched .
20 Now what I would like to say is that we 've made clear that we 're with certain very clear objectives in pushing forward , in saying that certain things had to be achieved and when I read the lilac piece of paper or whatever colour we want to call it .
21 I have asked the police to make inquiries and when I have the results of those inquiries I will be in a position to decide whether any action on my part is appropriate .
22 and when I see the buses now running around , they seem to run everywhere I do n't on earth what kind of running board they 've got because in my day it was so well regulated that erm you just recorded certain intermediate stages and I quote Witton and Rushmere you get , used to get Witton Terminus , Norwich Road Bridge , Sherrington Road , Barret Corner , Electric House and you gave an indication of the time that those buses should be passing those times .
23 I think I 'm making my point , I have been saying for some time now that given the fact that all that security has n't produced the results , the logic of that is dialogue , and when I see the opportunity as I saw it , of dialogue , direct dialogue with Mr Addams that could lead to a total cessation of this violence , I felt it was my duty to do so .
24 And when I recall the shattering consequences of what happened one night a month or so later , I think of Hamlet , saying ‘ When sorrows come , they come not single spies , But in battalions . ’
25 And when I say the country I do n't mean one of those villages just off the motorway full of people just like us buying Australian Chardonnay from the local wine merchant and the only time you hear an ooo-aarr accent is when you 're listening to the Archers in the bath .
26 And when I say the vacancy rate , I mean a percentage rather than a number .
27 From here , head for the end of the plantation and when you reach the road , go through the gate opposite .
28 And when you switch the printer back on , wherever it is when it 's switched on , it thinks that 's the head of the form .
29 I 'll confirm my offer in writing and when you receive the letter you can go and talk it over with an estate agent and your solicitor . ’
30 I thought of the metal gauze idea because when light hits a gauze cylinder you ca n't see behind it although anyone inside can look out , and when you put the louvres across as well you further disguise their presence .
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