Example sentences of "and who [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The chief agent was awoken at six in the morning ; he had to ask John Wakeham , you know how good John is at this sort of thing , to quit his room at Topps Hotel ( he wo n't stay in the Grand for all the tea in China and who shall blame him ? ) and pop down to Kemp Town and arrange bail .
2 And my Will is to be Buried in Linen in a Suit which I shall provide for that purpose And I do hereby order and direct that the Sum of Ten Pounds shall be paid to the person who shall be the last in attending me to the time of my expiring and who shall see me Inclosed and laid in my Coffin in Linen .
3 One place remains , and who shall have it ?
4 Band member Shawn Stockman adds : ‘ We miss the opposite sex and we all think it would be nice to have someone around , someone that we could love and who would love us .
5 A woman who was afraid of nothing and who would feed him , starch his linen , give him peace and quiet in which to compose his speeches , until the campaign should be over .
6 And who would lead it ? ’ said Zacco .
7 And who would bring us our breakfast , wash our dishes ? ’ she asked briskly .
8 She was supposed to be pregnant and perhaps Scotland might still get its heir but would it be a male prince and who would protect him over the coming years ?
9 If so , what might the adaptation cost be and who would do it ?
10 The Prince also demanded a few officers who were experienced in battle and who would exemplify his own ideas of how wars should be fought .
11 And who would believe me ? ’
12 He said , " And who would drive it ? "
13 And who would drive it you know , was it a special person that drove it ?
14 if if the stories of are to be believed , and who would doubt him , is that the kind of person that wants as an ambassador in Europe ?
15 What is the purpose of a profit and loss account and who would use it ?
16 It is envisaged that , if the Friends are willing to help in this way , properly trained volunteers , who would have to be members of the Friends organisation and who would have their approval , could help with special events and special projects , where existing staff do not have sufficient time to carry out the work .
17 Will any of those disappointed Berlin front-runners stand a chance , and who would replace them in their respective jobs if they go ?
18 And who would suspect you ? ’
19 He remembered the ancient legends of the Guardians , the Brotherhood of Sorcerers who would serve and master if they were paid enough , and who would guard anything in the world if someone would employ them sufficiently profitably ; he remembered as well that the Conablaiche and the Lad of the Skins were abroad in the world again .
20 The first concerns the individual pupil 's curricular record , what is in it and who may see it .
21 The ideal person , if he can be found , is the young barrister in good practice who is rapidly rising and who may take you up with him .
22 Most shrines were the property of people who could visit them easily , and who might find it expedient to assemble there to show their strength if they had land disputes with their neighbours .
23 He 's got brown eyes and a smiling face — the sort of man who knows his way around , and who 'll fix anything for you .
24 And who 'll give me £50 ? ’
25 Until then , he 's putting his feet up and who 'd blame him ?
26 The Japanese take more trouble to find out how the US system really works , and who can make it work for them .
27 At the same time remind a seller or buyer of anything you still need ( eg last receipts , or particulars of a seller 's building society whose loan is to be repaid and who can give you particulars of your client 's title ) .
28 Maybe the farmer or his tenant will ask for a percentage of the kill within the agreement , but it makes jolly good sense to ensure that anyone who likes to eat a rabbit and who can influence your sport is well looked after .
29 I 've sent you a young man who loves horses as you do , and who can continue your work with them .
30 The first will aim to remove restrictions on where the funds can invest , and who can manage them .
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