Example sentences of "and can [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The notion that they can be judged by Libyan law wherever they are , because they are Libyans by birth and can not alter that by acts of will , seems to underlie the government 's policies of clandestine homicide towards them .
2 Whether or not my father was happy , I could not and can not tell because that has always been difficult , but I suspect from his outbursts of temper and the frequency of his migraines that he was not .
3 Note : The authors believe that it is important that we encourage students to understand the relationships involved and not concentrate on calculating ratios which they frequently do n't understand and can not interpret because they have not fully understood why a ratio is calculated or the relationships which the ratio expresses .
4 Some hemiplegic patients are incontinent , either because they have poor sensation and can not feel when the bladder or bowel needs to be emptied , or because they do not pay attention and so forget to go to the toilet , or ask to be taken .
5 Here there is a maze of rules about what you can and can not do and say but these are infinitely preferable to the alternative — control through official regulations and legislation .
6 And can not choose but put out what I write . ’
7 Ninety -nine gardeners in every hundred have to put up with the garden they have , facing the way it is , and can not pick and choose or move it around .
8 Accordingly , an assembly such as this in England — and let me remind you there have been earlier ones , at Sheffield and Keele — is an act of homage to a great and greatly maligned poet ; but it is also , and can not help but be , a patriotic demonstration against ‘ suffocating insular coziness ’ .
9 Moreover , as Sperber and Wilson ( 1986 ) have shown , all stylistic choices , whether they be choices among linguistically determined possibilities or decisions about degrees of explicitness , are governed by the aim of optimising relevance , and can not help but reveal the speaker 's assumptions about the hearer 's contextual resources and processing abilities.7 Consider the difference between [ 18a ] and [ 18b ] : There is no difference in import .
10 Although a ‘ mature ’ lady , I am a supporter of ‘ save the terrace ’ and can not agree that seats are necessary — fans will stand up most of the time anyway , as we did last Sunday , and seats are more of a hazard when leaning over to see what is happening on the pitch .
11 B is in trouble since he is in dirty wind and can not tack because C is blocking him .
12 Within that new order Parliament is no longer all powerful and can not amend or repeal any statute by which that order was established .
13 Because I do not accept absolute predestination , however , and can not believe that we human beings are simply pawns in some giant chess game being played in the wide blue yonder , I think that it is the person within whom the spirit chooses to dwell who actually makes the right or wrong decisions .
14 This would lay down specifically when they can and can not play or rehearse .
15 One that I saw looked like harp in a chamber of pure light ; and at that moment I could understand the frenzy and madness of the bees that visit these studios of paradise , full of sweetness , and can not cease until they die .
16 I am Catholic and can not divorce but I do not want to divorce because I do not know him well enough to want to divorce him .
17 After discussing colour and product preferences , the consultant applies the make-up step-by-step to her own face and the customer copies , so that she learns how to use the products herself and can instantly see if she likes them or not .
18 Paradox 4.0 adds a Windows-like user interface to the MS-DOS relational database , power and performance gains , enhanced network performance and expanded Paradox Application Language ; it includes Query By Example for fast interactive database querying and can also store and retrieve Binary Large Objects in memo fields .
19 Sir : I am writing first to congratulate you all on an excellent magazine , I have been reading Computer magazines for the last 10 years and can honestly say that Practical PC is the most informative and enjoyable one to date .
20 She is opinionated , and can confidently predict that William Burroughs , whose books have me aching with boredom , will be read a hundred years from now .
21 Yet Jonathon has athetoid cerebral palsy and can neither walk nor talk .
22 We may know , for example , that vines can not be grown in areas where the average annual temperature is lower than 52°F , and can thus infer that they could never have been grown in Edinburgh .
23 I have discussed with the producer your suggestion of a nominal fee of £50 for this , and can now confirm that we would like to go ahead .
24 I have discussed the points you raised with my colleagues and can now respond as follows .
25 The matrix is now unc and after the six multiplications implied ( see ( 4 ) ) in unc it becomes unc Thus A — 0.2I has a zero eigenvalue ; we recover B by adding 0.2I and can then deflate and consider the reduced matrix unc Once again , to avoid repetitive labour in the example , we use hindsight : we now apply a shift of 0.4 and consider unc We require only one step ( four multiplications ) to reduce this to unc We now recover unc by adding 0.4I and deflate by omission of the last row and column : unc In any similar transform of unc the trace and determinant are unaltered .
26 It is totally sealed and spins at very high speeds and can therefore retrieve and store information very quickly .
27 What keeps most teachers going are these intermittent flashes of light , which they often hoard , like interesting shells found on a beach , and can proudly display if asked .
28 I have tried the Theakston 's brewed at the Masham brewery in recent weeks , and can only comment that I prefer the Gallowgate product .
29 Indeed we know very little about contemporary kin relationships ( Finch 1989 ) and can only speculate as to how increased rates of divorce and remarriage will affect family relationships .
30 ‘ So Ryan 's stuck with a piece of land he ca n't develop and can only sell as it stands at market value ? ’ she asked , beginning to enjoy the irony of it .
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