Example sentences of "and had [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the leading scholars amongst the South Slavs during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were widely travelled and had studied in France , Germany , Austria and Italy , where they were caught up in the intellectual ferment which was abroad at that time .
2 It was the fourth building in the area that the association considered for conversion and had studied in detail .
3 The hulking nephew of Kalv Arnason had been only a youth when King Olaf had killed his uncle Ølve at the spring feast at Sparbu and had given to Kalv his uncle 's rich widow in gratitude .
4 The Sergeant informed me that No. 46 Royal Marine Commando had come ashore in Normandy on D-Day + 1 and had gone into action almost straight away at a spot further along the coast from here , against a crack German S.S. Unit ( Hitler Youth ) .
5 His father had been given Grágás at fourteen , and had gone with Thorkel Fóstri raiding the tribute-lands .
6 Word had reached Carewscourt that several of the big landowning families in the county had sold out and had gone to England .
7 I at once thought that the poor fellow had had a pretty rough day and had gone to sleep as he had n't made a sound .
8 I had heard my mother and Robert come in and had gone to sleep much later .
9 He 'd been in the country 2 years before being arrested and had gone to Goa to spend Christmas with friends .
10 His father had been savagely beaten himself as a child , and had gone through life feeling a failure .
11 The boys were with Mrs Titcombe and young Thomas reported that his father was concerned about Rhoda and had gone in search of her .
12 I had left Jamaica when I was seven years of age and had lived in England for nineteen years .
13 Clara had visited this shop many times , and had stood for hours surreptitiously reading C. P. Snow , Tolkien , D. H. Lawrence and the poems of T. S. Eliot .
14 They had moved together and had stood in front of a monument , seemingly absorbed .
15 On the real occasion , Comfort had arrived back from the river and had stood in front of them both , her blonde hair a mass of tangled curls , each curl spangled with water .
16 Henry Ford 's family had been born just outside Cork city and had emigrated to America , he himself had become a multi-millionaire and now , as a national benefactor , was perpetuating his name in his ancestral home town .
17 And Miss Watson , of course , really was her better , for she had been a headmistress before this , and had taught in town schools , so large and magnificent that naturally she was much wiser and more experienced .
18 Armitage suggested that the shortfall for fiscal 1990 was $96,000,000 and had arisen from cuts in Bush 's aid request imposed by Congress , whereas Manglapus claimed that the true figure , based on the estimated cost of other " unfulfilled promises " , was $222,580,000 .
19 A major road and pipeline already crossed the region and had led to oil spills and the release of contaminated water containing hydrocarbons , heavy metals and bactericides and other chemicals into the soil and water .
20 This Commission had undertaken an immensely detailed study of poverty and poor relief and had ended in conflict between the majority of its members and a minority composed of Beatrice Webb , George Lansbury , Frances Chandler and the Rev. Russell Wakefield , Dean of Norwich .
21 Another German atrocity was the execution by firing squad , in 1915 , of Nurse Edith Cavell , who had been matron of a Belgian Hospital in Brussells since 1907 , and had stayed on duty despite the German invasion of that country , and who had been accused by the Germans , of assisting British , French and Belgian soldiers to escape captivity .
22 Some teachers were aware of this lack and had turned to curriculum publications such as The School Curriculum ( DES , 1981 ) for guidance .
23 However , by the time the war ended BMK had long since finished with blankets ( after they had produced 2.5 million ) and had turned to engineering .
24 Fields had been born in America and had moved to Britain as a child .
25 Oyston had been brought up the son of a Durham miner and had moved to Blackpool with his parents when they went to open a boarding house .
26 A friend of his had recently sold his business in Liverpool and had moved to Wales .
27 Back in New York , John Wilcock was still writing his column , still hanging out with the Realist 's Paul Krassner , and had moved from New York Times travel writing to travel books , indeed an opus on Mexico had begun to open — or dilate — his eyes to drugs .
28 She and her family had been in the States over a year now , and had moved from Boston to New York .
29 She did n't marry until she was 63 and had retired from teaching .
30 By the mid-1970s , therefore , the major elements of the Plowden reforms were in place and had developed in sophistication ; yet they failed , at that point , to prevent the fastest ever growth in public spending outside war-time .
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