Example sentences of "and had [verb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The decision came after a special tribunal in Peshawar had found Gilani guilty on April 24 of the misappropriation of public funds , and had disqualified him for seven years from a seat in the National Assembly .
2 A great adventure , a fitting enterprise for one who had known herself from infancy to be set apart for some rare destiny , and one that she had thought herself to have pursued courageously , successfully , with a redeeming love that had rescued even the anguished , complex , hostile Aaron , and had saved him from his wilder flights .
3 In fact , Dustin was not unknown to Nichols , who had seen him in Journey of the Fifth Horse and had auditioned him for the Broadway musical The Apple Tree .
4 Since then , since the whole-hearted and selfless manner in which she had helped him , and had comforted him after Effie 's death — he remembered her saying gently to him when he had railed against Fate and his own incompetence , ‘ Do n't , Dr Neil , do n't .
5 I would have left had I not seen he was wearing something I had n't seen on him before , and had to ask him about it , certain I knew what the answer would be .
6 The doctor had dismissed his troubles airily , diagnosing ‘ Dotty 's Collywobbles ’ , a fairly common Lulling complaint , and had warned him about accepting further hospitality at that lady 's hands .
7 Nicky responded because , probably for the first time in his life , someone had shown trust in him and had treated him with respect .
8 Edith was already up , and had awoken him with her cries of woe when she drew back the heavy plush curtains to discover grey skies and drizzle .
9 In early 1990 Chatichai had allowed Manoon to return to Thailand from exile and had appointed him to a high-level post within the Defence Ministry .
10 He apparently was doing some work for her father , David Fairfax , and had told him about the school .
11 The Guardian of Jan. 9 , for example , reported that Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) documents circulated internally in late December had been critical of Gorbachev and had blamed him for the " subversion " of socialism in Eastern Europe .
12 The rage that had eaten at his guts for so long , and had launched him at Sergeant Lawrence — who even Jimmy knew was a good man at heart — would not serve him now .
13 Andrew Richens was 17 when he stabbed William Choi , who he claimed had boasted of having sex with his girlfriend and had taunted him by saying she had probably never had a real man before .
14 She had shown him with pride to both her mother and grandmother and had carried him to bed more deeply satisfied than at any time since she had been weaned from Phoebe 's now forgotten breasts .
15 When Ricky began taking Jenny out she was surprised to learn that Minton paid him money and had taken him to the Caribbean .
16 The opportunity to do so did not arise until Racedown was offered to them six years later , by which time Wordsworth could contemplate a life whose course , since his Norfolk visit , had done much to shape his political and poetic character , and had left him with more than a little to repent .
17 She had watched him working delicately on the door , with all the attention to detail of the perfectionist , and had known him to be the sort who got what he wanted in life through hard work , never by taking the easy way out .
18 She , in turn , wondered why they could not understand that she loved their father and had rescued him from a life of solitude .
19 Pip 's servant at Barnard 's Inn , whom he nicknames ‘ the Avenger ’ because ‘ after I had made the monster ( out of the refuse of my washerwoman 's family ) and had clothed him with a blue coat , canary waistcoat , white cravat , creamy breeches , and [ top boots ] , I had to find him a little to do and a great deal to eat ; and with both of those horrible requirements he haunted my existence ’ .
20 In Conway ( 1990 ) 91 Cr.App.R. 142 ; [ 1990 ] Crim.L.R. 402 it was held that an identification parade might be called for notwithstanding that an identifying witness claimed to know the suspect , and had identified him by name .
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