Example sentences of "and from [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They came from young and old , from friends and strangers , from church groups , and from families in Cleveland and Rochdale who had been in the same position themselves .
2 For families with two or three children , the doubling of child benefit would mean an increase in their tax-free income from £14.50 to £29 and from £21.75 to £43.50 , respectively .
3 Levels of intermarriage , in the first place , varied considerably from republic to republic and from nationality to nationality ; and although the proportion of ethnically mixed families at the national and republican level might have been increasing , it did not necessarily follow that the incidence of intermarriage between each of the major nationalities had been increasing at a similar rate .
4 The volumes of the still popular Pelican Guide to English Literature which refer to the Renaissance are called The Age of Shakespeare and From Donne to Marvell , for example .
5 The percentage of respondents familiar with Call Forwarding and Call Waiting grew in 1992 over 1991 ; from 56% to 62% for the first and from 34% to 46% for the second .
6 Officers seemed to gain easier exemption from building regulations and from restrictions on landlordism ; their attempts to influence judges in cases in which they might have only an indirect interest were also reported , in private , by judges .
7 In earlier times the quality of the information provided by a register varies from place to place and from incumbent to incumbent .
8 The incantatory run of present participles with their weak-syllable endings gives way to the strong definitive statement which has gathered resonance of meaning both within the text and from other of Rolle 's writings : " sange of lovynge and of lufe es cummen " .
9 Pages are written closely and amorphously from side to side and from top to bottom .
10 There are reconditioned phones available on both systems , from Pounds 110 on Lifetime and from £75 on Primetime — new ones are Pounds 199 and £159 respectively .
11 From this industrious factory , and from others across London , came a never-ending flow of costume melodramas , musicals , detective stories and films in every other sort of genre .
12 The history consisted of genealogies ( which were different in their emphases and resonances from place to place and from person to person ) and of anecdotes , poems , stories , all of which were similarly variable .
13 ‘ But we 've found tapes that we 'd forgotten about , from the Warners vaults in LA and from CBS in New York .
14 The solid inner planets were formed from rocky grain cohering , and from collisions between planetesimals .
15 This may be present in natural sources such as mine water but may also come from atmospheric pollution , from flocculation with alum , and from reuse of water .
16 In 6-month-old IPV recipients ( fig 1 ) , overall seroprevalences 4–6 weeks after vaccination increased from 73% to 94% ( 21% ) for type 1 , from 93% to 100% ( 7% ) for type 2 , and from 67% to 89% ( 22% ) for type 3 .
17 In particular , we have thus once again honoured in full our commitment to increase in line with prices the basic retirement pension , which will thus rise from £52 to £54.15 a week for a single person and from £83.25 to £86.70 for a couple , entailing additional expenditure of about £1 billion .
18 While pressure-group influence varies over time and from issue to issue , such groupings must now be seen as an integral part of local public administration .
19 Perhaps local politics needs to be seen as a series of shifting alliances , varying over time and from issue to issue .
20 What is appropriate will , naturally , vary from job to job and from country to country .
21 Relationships vary over time , from authority to authority and from service to service .
22 Letters to and from members of HM Forces are charged at the concessionary postage rates contained in this leaflet .
23 Alder Valley 's contract to provide the peak time 213 service to and from Alton for school and college journeys will be provided by Oakley Coaches .
24 This year we examined Business English candidates from Hungary to Russia and from Slovenia to Poland .
25 Olivia Marchington , who was twenty-two and from Didmarton in Gloucestershire , was an accomplished skier .
26 It was set a great deal more by the massive alteration in the balance of the Catholic community — the decline of France , Italy and Spain , the rise of Brazil , the United States , the Philippines , even Zaire , the revival of Catholic Eastern Europe , the larger shift from both west to east ( especially in Europe ) and from north to south .
27 The wind seemed to drive all ways at once , so that whichever way they turned , as they struggled to and fro across the yard , and from building to building , the snow was always directly into their faces .
28 These will differ from generation to generation and from temperament to temperament , but it is wise to know the types of doubt to which we are most prone .
29 Language , you see , is always changing and from acupressure to zouk , this book 's all you need to keep your '90s lingo up to date .
30 And , while there are Link/Plus ATMs from Guam to Canada and from Japan to America , there are none in Italy or France .
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