Example sentences of "and begin [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 When she emerged , she responded with a grunt to Melissa 's , ‘ Good morning , ’ and began wrestling with the bar that controlled the window shutters .
2 He looked away and began twiddling with the curtain cord .
3 Rachel paused by her desk and began toying with the telephone cord .
4 Steve pulled the duvet over the two of them and began fiddling with the remote control .
5 He transferred his attention to his gold wristwatch and began fiddling with the bracelet .
6 She closed her eyes to hide her revulsion as he pressed his open mouth against hers and began fumbling with the buttons of her bush shirt .
7 When he saw Duclos striding back across the compound dragging a young Annamese boy behind him , he smiled quietly to himself , stepped back into his bedroom and began fumbling with the buttons of his silk shirt .
8 In the early 1950s he used his creation to improve the size of the Aberdeen Angus and began to outcross with the red Beevbilde to produce a new breed of black beef cattle which combined Angus quality with the Lincoln 's fast weight gains .
9 Some Australians came out of the shower room and began arguing with the merry sub-human guard :
10 Gedge was keen to keep parents and old friends informed and began corresponding with the local paper , The Middleton Guardian .
11 But she simply ignored him as she always had and began to practise with the yellow-haired vibrancer who 'd been with Jeopardy in Mandru 's salon on the morning Lucien had met the master .
12 He took a gulp from his drink and began fidgeting with the cutlery .
13 Honor looked down at her gloves and began to fiddle with the buttons .
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