Example sentences of "and bring them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Gospels present us with a picture of Jesus of Nazareth searching out those left on the edge , and bringing them into the heart of God 's kingdom .
2 Crosland had realized ‘ the impossibility , as he saw it , of a Labour Secretary of State taking institutions from urban local education authorities which were predominantly controlled by Labour , and bringing them under the same regime as the universities ’ .
3 Pot up a hew clumps and bring them into the kitchen .
4 ‘ Tack up Red Flag , Seashell , Parky and Joe and bring them into the school , ’ she ordered , and the little girls fled away , while Miss Bedwelty gave her new pupils another of her withering stares .
5 ‘ If we 're acting for the smaller firm it invariably happens , and if and when we 're acting for the larger firm we always identify the key partners in the smaller firm and bring them into the new management team , ’ Mr Llambias reveals .
6 He believes it should take the parts of our lives that are most sore , most hurtful , most unspoken , most taboo and bring them into the public sphere .
7 And after the harvester they would take in those big tramp coles and bring them into the big hay stack .
8 As with the Cel Editor , you may import a number of different image file types to form your background , and may , indeed , find that you prefer to work on backgrounds in another package altogether , and bring them into the Background Editor only to convert them to the Device Independent Bitmap ( DIB ) format that is native to the package .
9 Hours in the swamp and when they were going all thick and heavy there , he used to go round about October , just for that one day , and shoot as much as he could , and bring them into the mansion .
10 And on the eighth day she shall take two turtledoves or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest , to the door of the tent of meeting .
11 ‘ The initial plan was to put companies together and bring them to the market . ’
12 The four system units will be organised around products — mainframe computers , mid-range , self-service terminal systems and application software , and is intended significantly to cut the time it takes for products to get to market — the aim is to cut in half the time it takes to develop products and bring them to the market .
13 The plan was to rescue a coach load of Bosnian children from the fighting in the former Yugoslavia and bring them to the safety of England .
14 Find Gilleis and Adam for me , and bring them to the chapel .
15 Somehow Finnan made sense of the tangled labyrinth , and brought them through the lanes and alleys of boats until they could see looming ahead of them the solid sunwashed stone of the city wall .
16 The hill people cut the palms down in the forest and brought them to the shore for fish .
17 ‘ Oh ! the bones ! ’ said Flora , and brought them from the kitchen — in a Harrods ' bag .
18 He is indeed , as John Taylor has aptly called him , ‘ the go-between God ’ , for he both takes the things of God and makes them real to us on the one hand , and takes our faint longings and prayers and brings them to the Father on the other .
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