Example sentences of "and set [pron] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To avoid giving the impression that he had been suckered into coming by US military intelligence , and any reluctance he might feel in consequence to talk freely , Coleman was told to take George home to the family lake house near Auburn , Alabama , and to set him up for questioning by saying that the FBI routinely interviewed all students from the Middle East .
2 Anxious about his prospects of liberation , the slave Moschos went for a night of incubation to the temple and had a dream in which the divine pair Amphiaraus and Hygieia ordered him to write down what he had seen and to set it up in stone by the altar .
3 The aim was to separate the individual membership section of the Party from the unions and to set it up in a relationship reminiscent of that with the ILP before 1932 .
4 After the wedding he and Margaret and Macnab moved to another flat , in Onslow Gardens , South Kensington , where the two men issued a prospectus and set themselves up as private tutors .
5 The SEATO and CENTO pacts brought certain Asian states into pro-Western blocs and set them apart from a larger neutralist group .
6 An , you know yourself , I 've come every week here and set them up in different bits and pieces . ’
7 She would drive to the nursery in the spring and pick up boxes of spring flowers , pansies , violets , crocuses , iris , lilies of the valley , daffodils , and jonquil , and set them lovingly in the damp sweet-sour earth .
8 In the living room she picked up a couple of wine glasses from the floor and set them down on a coffee table .
9 Picking up the drinks , she crossed the room and set them down on the trestle , careful to keep her face turned away from the window .
10 She waited until the first few bars of the signature tune started to play , then unclipped her headphones and set them down on the desk with a sharp clatter before starting to gather up the stack of notes .
11 Cornelius retrieved both letter and card and set them down before him .
12 For a start , he kept losing the notes , and then , when he had managed to find them and set them out on his desk , he seemed to lack the will to start work on them .
13 She allowed Margaret Seymour-Strachey to bring in the tea things and set them out on the bedside table without speaking further .
14 Gradually harden them off and set them out in late May or early June when nights are no longer frosty .
15 Then take back the cards and set them out in an apparently random fashion and challenge a person to play you at pairs .
16 It is a mark of Hilton 's clarity of thought and practical spirituality that he should pick up the episcopal ideal of a composite life-style and set it up as the modus vivendi for a spiritually — minded temporal lord .
17 He made a radio receiver when we were children and set it up on the main bridge over the Salzach .
18 I then produce a 5 by 4 or a 10 by 8 colour transparency and set it up on a light table .
19 ‘ You took the Wheel to the site and set it up on the ramp ; was it left unattended at any time ? ’
20 Their sense of tradition is also very strong and instead of dying out in 1951 when enthusiasm was beginning to wane a little , it was revitalised when Stanley Robshaw took it in hand and set it firmly on its feet again .
21 Then he lifted his other foot from the ground and set it firmly on the rough stone surface too .
22 I have left the dialogue unchanged but removed some of the author 's comments and set it out in sociological rather than novelistic conventions .
23 Quietly , humbly , Cameron took off his headset and set it down on the floor .
24 Toby had reappeared with the tray , and set it down on a small marble table , before Jackson was aware of his presence .
25 I carried a tray across and set it down on the table in the window .
26 He emptied his cup and set it down on the table .
27 Taking a cooking bowl from the side he part filled it from the water jar and set it down on the ring .
28 Curval took out the slide — it seemed not as carefully as before — and set it down on the table beside him .
29 As his eyes fell on the crucifix he realized that he 'd always loathed it , and in a small gesture of defiance he lifted it off its hook and set it down on top of the filing cabinet .
30 Svend Larsen pushed a pile of papers to one side of his desk , took a platter of open sandwiches from the top of his bookcase and set it down between Elisabeth and himself .
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