Example sentences of "and write [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The read channel retrieves data stored on the disk and writes to the disk .
2 Bayley is a senior academic who has kept his distance from institutional pressures and writes in the manner of the traditional man of letters .
3 Many people believe they know what is meant by orientalism , yet it is notoriously difficult to comprehend and to write about the whole of this protean subject .
4 However , it must also be recognised that in most cases when English speakers come across an unfamiliar word , they can pronounce it with the correct stress ( there are exceptions to this , of course ) ; in principle , it should be possible to discover what it is that the English speaker knows and to write in the form of rules .
5 The Privy Council is then found referring to arbitration a dispute between two foreigners , hearing the submission and apology of a merchant for speaking offensively about the Queen , instructing sheriffs to send up a note of the number of prisoners in their gaols , ordering mayors of seaports to prepare private ships to serve in the navy against the expected Spanish invasion , telling its agents at the Hague to arrange for the purchase of matches for guns , sending off various warrants , organizing the acquisition of copper for the Queen 's service , delegating the decision in a legal action to the J.P.s of Bedfordshire , permitting the taking of a collection on behalf of a Cornish village despoiled by Spaniards , and writing to the Lord Mayor of London about a complaint against his predecessor .
6 So on February 6th of this year , while Mr Dubois was closing his file and writing to the LTA accordingly , Tretorn , having considered its position , went ahead with its complaint to the EC Commission .
7 Although there are different perspectives on organisations , and a proliferation of research and writing on the subject , it is possible to single out two predominant schools of thought .
8 Even the engraving and writing on the top on , on , on the top of the viewfinder here is nicely lit , you can see that it 's er er , the light is catching all the various edges of the engraving on the top .
9 They were book marks and writing on the canal .
10 George : ‘ You would n't have been born and writing for THE FACE if it was n't for someone spunking off . ’
11 In fact this was by no means the shatteringly important quarrel it appeared to be in hindsight to people living and writing under the shadow of Becket 's murder .
12 It should not lead to a restricted curriculum , and its use was set in the context of a range of other methods which ‘ use pupils ’ own talk , interests and writing as the starting point for further work' ( NCC 1989a : 33 ) .
13 The compatibility between poetry and writing from the heart is not automatic but at best conventional .
14 but I mean it depends also I suppose erm , when your aiming for is the market , and I , I , I would like to have my work published but I also like to perform it and its got to be attractive to be looked at , in the first instance in , on a page its not known , er , there is , there is a lot of debate at the moment about using erm pages for poetry and some poets have actually starting using , writing from the wrong side and , and , and , and writing in the shape of a poem , for instance , if , what poem I was thinking off was a , was a waterfall so it was cascading the words cascading , you almost have to pick , ha , ha , have a choice of , of words that you want to fit into a particular thing , erm I think that 's had its place , but I think it can be a bit off putting as well , yeah , but it exciting , yeah definitely .
15 Many were there for more than three hours , but Hannah always gives full value for this kind of sacrifice talking to each one for between five and fifteen minutes and writing in the book whatever message is asked for .
16 This chapter has been prepared and written with the help of CACI Market Analysis .
17 This 19th of Cherubini 's 34 operas was conceived and written at the height of the Revolutionary Reign of Terror .
18 This 19th of Cherubini 's 34 operas was conceived and written at the height of the Revolutionary Reign of Terror .
19 It 's a baseball cap , and written across the front is : Jesus Lives .
20 It can be played , listened to , read and written throughout the world , irrespective of mother tongue and usually brings great satisfaction to sender and receiver .
21 The package has been designed by chartered accountants ( the MacDonald Partnership ) and written by the software house Software Solutions with the aim of meeting the needs of those responsible for company secretarial work .
22 or it could be an agreed joint statement and written by the member of staff .
23 The report , called Her Share of Misfortune and written by the ASH working group on women and smoking , recommends a number of measures to buck the trend .
24 What little new fiction by youngish writers there has been has tended to be incestuous tales of fast-track living in the media boomtown of the Eighties : books sold and written in the Groucho Club bar .
25 I had a feeling when I read those words over 40 years ago , and written in the heat of the aftermath of a long and tiresome period of war , that Sir Arthur might have wished he had put it differently .
26 If your card is lost , stolen or liable to misuse , you must immediately telephone and write to the Bank either at your branch or at the address at the beginning of these conditions .
27 Those inmates classed as illiterate were obliged to take a compulsory form of basic education , with the aim that they would at least be able to read and write by the time they were released .
28 Learning to read and write in the language may reinforce these three skills if they are already developed , but will not produce them .
29 In Cambridge in the 1930s he ran a gallery of modern art with Julian Trevelyan , edited Shakespeare 's 1593 Quarto of Venus and Adonis , with Jacob Bronowski [ q.v. ] founded and wrote for the magazine Experiment , and designed sets and costumes for theatrical productions .
30 But still the urge to express her feelings tormented her and at last , in defiance of that dislike she had felt on their last meeting , she sat down and wrote to the person to whom she had once been most close , to Mrs Browning .
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