Example sentences of "and put they on the " in BNC.

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1 She poked busily at the concoctions , withdrew the tins from the oven and put them on the scrubbed wooden table to cool .
2 then she bought a bunch of violets and put them on the baby 's pillow , blew us a kiss and disappeared .
3 When all these objects had been tested and discussed , they took them out and put them on the shelf in two groups : those that floated , and those that sank .
4 So we used to go up there and get our .008″ banjo strings and put them on the top and it really transformed what you could do . ’
5 erm I 'm not going to keep you very long because I 've nearly finished talking so erm when I 've finished perhaps you would like to bring some of your things up and put them on the table and we can all have a look at them .
6 Matisse had an arrangement with Miró whereby he would buy the latter 's works and put them on the market when the time seemed right .
7 He found a sleeping pill , a glass of water , and put them on the table by her side .
8 And er there used to be these er like Scotch people you know , with kilts , with swords and put them on the floor and dance round the swords and .
9 She took two cups and saucers from the dresser and put them on the table ; she got the milk from the fridge .
10 And dried them and put them on the rack again .
11 for a week , and th that in the holds then they were all , that was , we was hauling sacks , what they used to call erm and they used to bring 'em out , out of the hold on a , on a winch , and put them on the scale and weigh 'em and that 's what they used to call catch weights .
12 Jessamy picked them up , wandered through to the kitchen and put them on the table .
13 He turned with difficulty and got the keys out of the pocket of his trousers and put them on the chair seat .
14 Whoever killed him got rid of his own clothes and put them on the body afterwards . ’
15 ‘ You do n't wash your feet and put them on the dirty floor , do you ? ’ he asked as he got ready for the guests who would soothe the painful passage towards the critics .
16 He took his glasses off and put them on the table , and his eyes were dancing as she had n't seen them dance since the night he had revealed the identity of Miguelito .
17 We did , yes , the two Rhododendron behind the and put them on the outside
18 well I do n't , I wash and put them on the rack
19 up and put them on the window sill
20 ‘ I have n't the faintest , ’ said Shirley , taking off her outdoor shoes and putting them on the rack , putting on her indoor slippers , and guiltily , belatedly , bending down to wipe the shoe marks off the linoleum with spit and hanky .
21 ‘ And there 's some shortbread and chocolates and a jar of chicken breasts , ’ she said , taking them out of the basket and putting them on the table .
22 Mrs Foster bobbed about collecting the items and putting them on the counter .
23 It , it , it just went on for a lit a short time afterwards but er , but when the war ended course things , some things changed pretty rapidly as you can appreciate but , but by this time I , I was working for Ellwells then on long distance transport and we used to have to go and fetch tractors or bulldozers that had got armour plating on from Dagenham docks and bring them up here and start selling them to civic contractors and the , the Americans were selling a lot of equipment as well at end of the war , and I saw money made overnight like , people were buying the lorries and putting them on the road you know for work and transport firms and all that and they were getting some of them for next to nothing
24 I think we all feel we would like more central capital funding , but without it , it 's quite proper that we make er the best of use of the , of the assets we 've got , and we were n't using all our estate as effectively as we might , so for the last few years , we 've had a very vigorous programme of identifying land and buildings that are no longer required , and putting them on the market and thereby enabling us to build new facilities .
25 he takes them out and puts them on the sideboard .
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