Example sentences of "and after [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Holden battered the free-kick against the wall and after a scramble the ball fell to Henry , who struck a low shot from more than 30 yards past Lukic .
2 The guitar was playing again , this time in slow rhythm , and after a while a voice broke in .
3 But when all the people had gone no one laughed , and after a while no one spoke any more .
4 Apparently the Lorrimores were still safely with us as he came back presently without haste or alarm , and after a while the train made its usual unobtrusive departure westwards .
5 Dizzy shook his head and put a finger to his lips , calling to her for silence ; so Alina waited , and after a while the young woman gave up and went away .
6 The motorway slashed on through fields and villages without regard for either , and after a while the villages flowed together and became towns , and the towns joined and merged to take on the appearance of a city .
7 Tallis moved swiftly through this place of forest shrines , and after a while the nature of the wood changed again .
8 But like medicine it did him good , and the food tasted better than it looked , and after a while the silence grew less tense and they began to chat about the contrast between bloody-minded , earnest Perugia , just visible on its wind-swept ridge as a distant smudge of grey , and Assisi , symbol of everything nice and pretty and kind , whose pink stone made even its fortifications look as innocent as an illustration in a book of fairy tales .
9 On other days he is on body-washing duty and after a battle the bodies are not clean .
10 The great head of yeast created during fermentation is cropped off and after a week the remaining yeast is overcome by the alcohol it has produced and sinks to the bottom of the fermenter .
11 Here one problem of panels becomes clear : with all the best intentions , panel members may be considered to be specially interested in volunteering for , or accepting an invitation to join , a certain panel , and after a time the panel member can become rather too self-conscious and sophisticated .
12 They were stopped outside the gate , of course , and after a time the sergeant on guard came out and spoke to them and they began an argument and it got very heated because this sergeant thought that the Americans were like knights of old rescuing a damsel in distress .
13 These allegations were never tested , and after a month the children were returned home , and the mother resumed the care of her large family .
14 In any event , it is wise to place a suitable receptacle within easy reach throughout the day , and after a meal the puppy should be taken into the garden and encouraged to use an area here .
15 There was a knock on the door at the far side of the room , and after a moment the soldier entered with an armload of goods in striped bags .
16 Again , like many other therapies , questions will be asked to give an overall picture of yourself and after a consultation a remedy may be given .
17 In the March 1988 general election , voters were obliged to queue publicly behind their preferred candidates in the nomination process , and after the election the government initiated discussion of the abolition of the secret ballot .
18 But once I got to the hospital and after the operation the doctor reassured me it was a straightforward and took forty-five minutes .
19 And after the revolution the two strata coalesced to form a ruling class which repressed and exploited workers and peasants as brutally as did the capitalists of the West .
20 Then the war came and after the war the concert-managers offered me a chance to do all the Mahler symphonies .
21 For many years both during and after the war the government wrestled with the principles of post-war reconstruction , and it was not until 1947 that the mammoth Town and Country Bill passed into law .
22 The Golden Oldies ' ideal is simple ; each team plays three matches , there are no prizes , just good sportsmanship , the will to win very evident but more so the honour to participate , and after the game a drink with the opposition .
23 In the dark days during and after the Exile the lesson was reiterated with the added weight of still more history .
24 On 27 July Churchill made his last appearance in the House of Commons ( his first had been when my father was head boy at Thame ) , and after the summer the country accelerated into a general-election campaign .
25 I ATTENDED a very up-market company dinner and after the meal the chairman got up and said , ‘ I hope you have all enjoyed the Thermal Lobsterdor this evening . ’
26 The Russian invasion forestalled this , and after the coup a Soviet nominee , Babrak Kabul , a hard-line Marxist and former deputy prime minister , was appointed head of state .
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