Example sentences of "and come [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As so many times before , Vologsky carne to the end of the mental games he played with himself , dismissed the last hopeful excuse for his rejection and came face to face with the lonely bitterness of reality .
2 Then she turned away and came face to face with Emelda Linley .
3 Returning the chisel to the bench , she turned to leave and came face to face with Leo 's sister .
4 Then he blundered into the turning he wanted , limped down it and came face to face with the blank grey door leading into the four Turkey Pens .
5 And came nose to nose with the tortoiseshell .
6 She was n't going to run much risk of rounding a corner and coming face to face with him — and , even if she did , so what ?
7 En route to Chicago , we stop at a truck stop and come face to face with Al Jourgensen , head honcho from Ministry and disciple of Aleister Crowley — and Dennis Wheatley .
8 It has also meant a greater love for one another as we can share our faith and come face to face with who we are .
9 He runs straight up the stone steps leading to the terrace — it 's part of a small public garden — rounds the urn at the top , and comes face to face with her , with no idea at all inside his head as to what words will emerge from his mouth .
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