Example sentences of "and then [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She waited until the door was closed and then crossed to the window of her suite , pulling the curtains aside .
2 He was a member of the teams which won in Ohio in 1987 and then tied at the Sutton Coldfield course two years later , and commented : ‘ Playing in the cup is the best thing ever .
3 And like sheep they had eventually been ridden down by soldiers as her husband had been ridden down at Peterloo , the crowd dispersed and then hunted over the open fields like running hares , so that of Luke 's companions one had crawled into a hedge with a leg that might have been mangled in a bear trap and had bled t death there ; two or three others had taken refuge in haystacks and barns ; two had been arrested and sentenced to hard labour .
4 ‘ The same lamb you put a rope round the neck of and then chased into the German minefield ? ’
5 Before long , however , the euphoria and hope turned to terror and tyranny , and first under the Committee of Public Safety and the Triumvirate , and then led by the Corsican dictator Napoleon , France became for a time , a threat to every nation in Europe .
6 He had been hooded , his hands tied behind his back , and then shot in the head .
7 This was , at least , an improvement on an earlier pattern , where I went into the end-game with a lead of about 30 — and then lost on the black .
8 Angelica had already decided that her money could be taken out of the petty cash and then lost in the books somewhere … and if ever they should be caught doing it , she did n't feel that it was a crime she 'd be ashamed of .
9 Foxe describes his last moments : ‘ He was brought forth to the place of execution , was there tied to the stake , and then strangled by the hangman , and afterwards with fire consumed in the morning at the town of Vilvorde , AD 1536 ; crying thus at the stake with a fervent zeal and a loud voice : ‘ Lord , open the King of England 's eyes ’ . ’
10 She walked through the Jardin Albert-1er , with its picturesque fountain and outdoor theatre , and then plunged into the network of streets , all lined with their exquisite shops .
11 But as she moved instinctively beneath him he buried his face in her hair with a groan and then plunged into the very flower of her being .
12 As they passed the alimentari ( shut , as it might be forever ) and then plunged off the road into the shadows of the bramble-lined single track , Haverford quoted , as he had been waiting to do ever since they left Heathrow : ‘ ‘ In the middle of the journey of our life , I found myself lost in a dark wood , ’ ’ he began to translate for the benefit of the children , but they were all , including the baby , asleep now and Molly thought that for her father to pretend to be in the middle of his life was a bit of a cheek anyway .
13 We all met at a pre-luncheon reception and then adjourned to the dining hall to sample the culinary delights which were to space our classes for the next five days ; four classes with dancing after dinner was the order of the day , all meticulously time-tabled .
14 These are first entered into a data file and then displayed on the relevant function diagram , and a graph is generated by straight lining between these points .
15 For a moment he glared at her , opened his mouth to deny everything , and then slumped in the chair , which creaked in protest .
16 He showed scores of slides and then announced at the end of his presentation that each was from a different crag .
17 The Colonel inspected the guard and then received from the architects a gold key inscribed " Stockport Grammar School , 1487 " ; with this he unlocked the west door and declared the buildings open .
18 They found grasshoppers , beetles , slugs , caterpillars , spiders and then calculated on the basis of their findings that this three-and-a-half acre meadow must contain well over 100,000 large invertebrates .
19 According to some reports , the march was infiltrated by masked youths who stoned ground-floor windows of the Education Ministry and then moved through the city centre towards the Polytechnic , smashing shop windows and setting fire to two cars and a bus .
20 He gave a little tap on the floor with his foot and then moved towards the bed and gently ruffled Willie 's hair .
21 They both glanced behind them and then moved into the coloured shadows of the necromancer 's storeroom .
22 The exhibition ‘ Al-Andalus : the art of Islamic Spain ’ was first shown at the Alhambra in Granada last spring and then moved to the Met over the summer .
23 He has a long and distinguished career in public health medicine : he was the first doctor to give a patient penicillin in 1941 and then moved to the post of director of the Medical Research Council 's Pneumoconiosis Research Unit , investigating diseases of the lung .
24 Jayhawk and Defiant were the first , both entered in the January trials and then retired as the newer America and Kanza were flown in from their builders in Rhode Island .
25 She waited till Fernando had ordered drinks from the waiter and then leaned across the table that was mercifully shaded by a pergola covered in scented jasmine and passion flowers .
26 Another described how a strong rope was thrown over one of the barn 's tie-beams and then fixed to the horse 's harness .
27 She played for her native Czechoslovakia in 3–0 defeat of Austria in 1975 , and then played for the United States in 1982 and 1986 .
28 After pressing , the pockets were tied and then stored in the ground-floor storage area , which was only required as a space in which the pockets were hung and for stoking the fires in the kilns .
29 Mrs Hawkins reported that she had been unable to take photos at this location as she had first to finish off a slide film , but will soon be in a position to take the required photos and also others to be displayed at the A.G.M. and then stored in the village archives .
30 US officials in Jakarta furnished the names of about 5,000 Communist activists to the Indonesian Army and then checked off the names as the army reported that the individuals had been killed or captured .
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