Example sentences of "and then [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She rolled along the carpet , hampered by her long dressing-gown , and then arms like steel tentacles caught her again .
2 Okay so this strikes us as a rather eccentric claim er he does qualify it , he says that there may be cases where there are n't enough people of independent means in a country to present themselves , he does n't mean England here he means some of the dependent territories and then members of parliament should be paid compensation rather than a salary .
3 What I did n't want to do at times was to overload , I wanted to start off with a time limit as we mean to go on and spread it out through the year and so I have put the important things which are to do with the quality system like internal quality audit erm , non- conformances , the corrective action , training and all stuff like that with an audit before and then things like contract print erm , I do n't think we are going to have any problems with I put those for after .
4 Every now and then clouds of steam from the cooling reservoirs of the furnaces float over the skyline , It is an Icelandic scene of snow and hot-springs , of glacier , rock , cliffs , sky , and seabirds .
5 A narrow track wound steeply up the lower slopes through dense forest , and then areas of bamboo and giant heather .
6 But full membership must always be a complex package of rights and responsibilities , requiring , first , years of negotiations and then years of transition .
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