Example sentences of "and take [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even when he makes mistakes he does it in a way that still brings results and takes him over the gain line .
2 and takes him from the hospital up to Southwold .
3 I will expand further on this dichotomy between quality and quantity of ‘ crime ’ in Chapter 5 , but would argue that the chase for numerical detections in which detectives everywhere are immersed moves them across another conceptual boundary and takes them into a statistical world away from their previous world as ‘ real polises ’ where the central classifier of conflict with the ‘ prig ’ remains , as ever , in a power struggle over the body ( Foucault 1977 ) .
4 If she does create a new four-bead group , she ‘ wins ’ these four beads and takes them off the board , leaving the hole empty .
5 This form of prayer , then , gathers up all our experiences and takes them to the King of Kings , and we think about them in his presence — all the hurts , all the joys , all that stops us becoming the kind of persons we feel called to be .
6 He takes me and picks me up from school and takes us where we wan na go you know , off to the shop , off to here , off to get some get some drink and takes us for a drive and
7 Of course , how this policy might be arrived at is an issue in its own right and takes us into the field of school-focused inservice work and curriculum development .
8 The 1973 Act extended beyond planning blight and takes us into the much broader area of the law relating to compensation .
9 He picks up the Business Section of the Times and takes it into the kitchen .
10 The red colobus , however , needs fruit all the year round and takes it from a greater variety of dispersed tree species ; it thus requires a larger range which can support a correspondingly larger troop .
11 Already Parfois seemed to lie behind them , and Harry had almost lost that tense expectation that at every step someone would reach out and take him by the shoulder to haul him back into captivity .
12 There is no doubt that the person entitled to goods may enter and take them from the land of the first taker if the taker himself wrongfully put them there .
13 is er , Robert you can come up and take us through the four steps of selling .
14 Good caddies have good temperaments. just watch Ian Wright getting a lambasting from Seve Ballesteros and see if Ian ever answers back , or , indeed , reacts in any way other than to quietly stand and take it on the chin , metaphorically speaking of course .
15 ‘ Most of our customers are second time buyers who know what they want and expect to be able to just walk in and take it off the shelf like a can of beans , ’ he says .
16 In five minutes we 'll come back and take you to the medical centre for more tests . ’
17 I 'm going upstairs and I 'm stripping her and taking her into the bath with me . ’
18 David had n't been on duty at the factory that afternoon and Rachel had wondered if he would suggest picking her up from her flat and taking her to the hospital , but he had n't , and his failure to do so only emphasised the coolness that was rapidly growing between them .
19 The governor raised his shaggy brows at Flavia Sherman in a theatrical expression of sympathy as her husband launched into a detailed discussion of his hunting plans , and taking her by the elbow , he guided her away towards the waiting throng to begin introducing her .
20 I 'll be with you in a few minutes , ’ and he whipped up his coat from among a stack of luggage and instruments lying in the hall , and taking her by the arm he hurried her through the kitchen .
21 Each of the Moi carried a long-bladed machete which had been dubbed a coupe-code in Annam , and taking one from the nearest tribesman , the Senator bent over the dead buffalo .
22 Means going back in the morning and taking him for a walk
23 ‘ Follow me and no harm will come to thy sheep ’ , the Emperor replied , and taking him by the hand led him into a cave in the side of the mountain .
24 ‘ Do you know this face ? ’ said Isambard , turning Harry about in his hands to display him to them all , and taking him by the chin to jerk up his face to the light when he turned it haughtily aside .
25 This would involve a small bus ferrying disabled shoppers from their homes and taking them into the heart of the town before returning them direct to their front door .
26 On 6 March 1992 more than 35 agents of the Mobile Military Police cordoned off four blocks of Guatemala City and violently rounded up the street children , handcuffing and beating them before dumping them in a van and taking them to the 2nd precinct police station .
27 The sun , the clear sky , the bright colours , the prosperous look of this lively , airy university town and wine-growing capital ; the stalls massed with flowers ; fresh fish shining pink and gold and silver in shallow baskets ; cherries and apricots and peaches on the fruit barrows ; one stall piled with about a ton of little bunches of soup or pot-au-feu vegetables — a couple of slim leeks , a carrot or two , a long thin turnip , celery leaves , and parsley , all cleaned and neatly bound with a rush , ready for the pot ; another charcuterie stall , in the covered part of the market , displaying yards of fresh sausage festooned around a pyramid-shaped wire stand ; a fishwife crying pussy 's parcels of fish wrapped tidily in newspaper ; an old woman at the market entrance selling winkles from a little cart shaped like a pram ; a fastidiously dressed old gentleman choosing tomatoes and leaf artichokes , one by one , as if he were picking a bouquet of flowers , and taking them to the scales to be weighed ( how extraordinary that we in England put up so docilely with not being permitted by greengrocers or even barrow boys to touch or smell the produce we are buying ) ; a lorry with an old upright piano in the back threading round and round the market place trying to get out .
28 And then me picking up the keys living here and taking it down the road !
29 He reached out and tugged her into the V of his thighs , dropping his mouth to hers and taking it in a kiss that left her gasping for breath and so shaken she could barely stand .
30 Here , take mine ; there 's plenty , ’ Bertha Cohen said , passing her egg to the Rabbi and taking his to the yard to throw it in the rubbish-bin .
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