Example sentences of "and also [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 It will house a nucleus family of gorillas in its other half and we hope to be able to start a breeding programme and also to collect funds for and publicise the Digit Fund , set up to conserve gorillas in the wild .
2 Labels needed for ministers about Garden Festival and also CAW organisers for this and for Newsletter .
3 We need to make a special effort to fundraise this year — so — Please publicise this with your class members and also request contributions for the stalls and contact holders as follows : —
4 For Christ 's Hospital he designed the new grammar school ( 1793 , demolished ) — receiving a gratuity of 100 guineas ‘ for his great attention during the building ’ because he had charged at a rate of only 2½ per cent instead of the usual 5 per cent — and additions to the school in Hertford ( 1800 ) , and also made designs for various ambitious unexecuted schemes for redeveloping the main buildings .
5 These involved more people at a local and regional level in educational issues and also provided forums for discussion .
6 On the Sunday I met my parents and , courtesy of Jack , handed over sponsor 's tickets which allowed them into any part of the course and the clubhouse and also provided tickets for lunch .
7 From this , nursing managers can calculate the peak periods across the whole unit and also identify times for which it would be beneficial to employ part-time staff .
8 Fortunately these approaches create difficulties for the faker and also leave clues for the scientific investigator .
9 If cells have their position specified as in a coordinate system and also have rules for interpreting the positional information , then it is possible , with the appropriate rules for interpretation , to generate any pattern that is required , from faces — even the Mona Lisa — to limbs .
10 In either case , the random clustering of cones of one type must constrain colour discrimination at high spatial frequencies , and also has implications for chromatic aliasing .
11 Today , the pilgrimage still takes place , now by air or car for many and , for the 1965 pilgrimage year , the Spanish government made strenuous and successful efforts to restore and clean these famous churches ( and also provide hotels for tourists ) on this traditional route .
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