Example sentences of "and we [verb] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 I know it is n't easy but erm I think we should you know , try and we advertise starting at eight o'clock and very often there 's only Alan and I here at eight .
2 ‘ None of us could be sure if we would have a job tomorrow ; the uncertainty was preventing us winning new business ; and we had looked at the various companies who were rumoured to be bidding for us and did n't like what we saw . ’
3 and we came to look at this one and it had got an inner hall and in the position was
4 WELL , SIR , WHEN Miss Catherine became Mrs Linton , and we went to live at Thrushcross Grange , I must say I was surprised and pleased by her behaviour .
5 I returned to Russia recently with my dear friend Ashkenazy and we went to look at the Central School of Music in Moscow , our educational base for so many years , and there it is , a sorry sight of rubble , locked doors and broken windows .
6 The concrete 's spalling , the reinforcement is being attacked and we 've looked at various ways in which they can be repaired or replaced .
7 I know you have done a C C Q on yourself and we 've looked at each page in detail but I think until you actually do it yourself and maybe write little prompts to let you know what 's on the next page so you can signpost it most effectively to move round the C C Q as opposed to you dri er as opposed to it driving you , you can drive it , but that should be done in the fullness of time but I do recommend you do it before you actually do your first full appointment cos it might pay you .
8 We had a tape of African music on and we began dancing at about midnight .
9 I knew that it would at the very least be fun to fail again , however effortlessly , and we agreed to meet at a pub in Barnes on the following evening .
10 That is the essence of doing business in today 's community , and we want to arrive at solutions which will enable us to move forward more united and not less .
11 So we have a clearly articulated philosophy , and we have a curricular model which reflects it — a model which is superior we think to any off-the-shelf models , and we have looked at Bruner , White , Bloom , and at HMI 's areas of experience , all of which lack the coherence and universality of the ‘ regions of application ’ model .
12 ‘ We have worked extremely hard in developing this , we have talked to the EC , the Government , the legal profession , and we have looked at all the practices developed in other countries to try to develop a sensible method .
13 So far we have discussed what there is in the way of video equipment and materials and we have looked at how we can use the machine .
14 So , sometimes we have to do things with horses that could make them anxious , and we have to work at keeping their anxiety level down .
15 Add to this the Great Australian Bight and the Bass Strait — for if we did not , it would be difficult to regard Australia as a Pacific nation , which would indeed be a foolish error — and we have arrived at what seems the most appropriate and comprehensive definition of our goal : one oceanic bloc , twenty-four marginal Seas ( of which one is designated Inland ) , five Gulfs , four Straits , one Canadian Confusion and one Australian Bight .
16 Exactly and er we are buying er a two seat version of this aeroplane er our two seat version is aimed primarily at operational training but er we have examined er time and again whether we believe the er the integration of the avionics which is possible in this aeroplane and which is planned for this aeroplane er is going to be able to reduce the pilot work load to such an extent that one man can comfortably do the job and we have arrived at the conclusion that he most certainly can .
17 And we have to look at the movements of the BNP and what they are doing .
18 We believe that in education we have retained the core provision for the education service and we have to look at what we will call the peripheral areas to see where savings and reductions have to be made .
19 So situations are reviewed and we do look at monitored traffic flows for example , we do look at our justifications and if there are reasons for a change we can go back , so it 's not irreversible by any means , that is the current committed preferred route however and I did n't want to give an indication that by changing the diagram we were saying everything 's opened up again , cos clearly we 've reached a stage that the County Council 's declared it 's a preferred route and that 's
20 I put my small but suddenly very heavy suitcase down for a rest , and we stood looking at each other .
21 Erm , yes , as you know I 'm a member of the Essex traffic group and we did state at the time there will be no looking into or no pulling down of any type of property or building , yeah , but it , erm the Council went ahead and looked at Wordsworth Road
22 we went to Trafalgar Square and we stopped to look at the pigeons and we 'd moved on and I , I suddenly realised I had n't got Vicky with me , so I looked all round , could n't see him , had to go right back to Trafalgar Square and he was still looking at the pigeons
23 I think there are many purposes that the County Farms should have , and we need to look at what is the best value financially , that we can obtain for the people of Wiltshire , so when everybody talks about they 'd like their country schools maintained , they 'd like this that or the other bought , they 'd like Corsham station purchased , we could buy it easily if we sold a County Farm could n't we ?
24 It was horrible , but we were teenage fools and we wanted to sit at home and do big grown-up things .
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