Example sentences of "and at the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ His books taught me that poetry can be pure and profound , and at the same time popular . ’
32 He selected the simplest steps and poses of classical dance with its perfectly balanced form and at the same time gave it straighter , longer lines to draw attention to the more athletic qualities of Greek dance and to the clear , austere sounds of Satie 's modern music .
33 To start the saw , the starting lock at the top of the handle has to be pressed forwards and at the same time the trigger switch is squeezed .
34 Raskolnikov is young , preoccupied and merely puzzled — ‘ young , abstract and therefore cruel ’ , the severe voice of the novel descries him elsewhere — but the reader attends in tragic wonder , for he understands that Marmeladov has indeed nowhere to go , a nowhere which is the finality of his loose end , at once in character , at once personal to the selfish selfless rationale of one man 's marriage and his other circumstances , personal to his ‘ destitution ’ or ‘ extremity ’ or ‘ misère ’ ( nishcheta , which he is careful to distinguish from his poverty ) , and at the same time an objective and transpersonal theme running through all Dostoevsky 's work .
35 Many a reader of The Possessed will have smiled at Von Lemke 's paper cut-outs — the conductor waving his baton , the bustling railway porter , the hell-fire gesticulating preacher — and at the same time he will have wondered why the microcosmic animated toys feel so supremely right for this novel .
36 A rift has opened between realism and something beyond , and at the same time a link has been forged between Dostoevsky 's favourite phrase , the deeper realism , and my own apocalyptic naturalism .
37 And at the same time , since Svidrigailov too has been brushed against in this reaching back which is also a reaching forward , the incident of the governor 's ear can be understood in all its matchless comedy as a desperate man 's recourse against boredom .
38 You have to train people to become doctors or engineers or professors , and at the same time to train them in questioning all that — not only in a critical way , but I would say in a deconstructive way .
39 In my own teaching , in my own responsibilities , I think I have to make two gestures simultaneously : to train people , to teach them , to give them a content , to be a good pedagogue , to train teachers , to give them a profession ; and at the same time to make them as conscious as possible of the problems of professionalization .
40 ‘ It is ridiculous that somebody should talk to a party and at the same time dictate to that party who should be heading it , ’ he said in an interview with The Independent .
41 His manner of playing the piano has something so basically individual about it , and at the same time so masterly , that he may really be described as the perfect virtuoso . ’
42 Sun/Star readers were more likely than others to have no preference at all in 1986 ( despite voting in 1987 ) , and at the same time , those Sun/Star readers who did have a preference in 1986 were more likely than others to change it during the next year ( Table 8.16 ) .
43 A greater co-operation between branches to units in covering prime sites should increase collection returns and at the same time remove any parochial attitudes .
44 The architects and future leaders of the Indian successor state were determined utterly to obliterate any trace or relic of former dependence on Britain and at the same time to maintain that political unity of the subcontinent which British rule had produced .
45 It was a perfect passing away for both of them , and at the same time the most intolerable accession into being , the marvellous fullness of immediate gratification , overwhelming , outflooding from the source of the deepest life-force , the darkest , deepest , strangest life-source of the human body , at the back and base of the loins .
46 Mario Mieli quotes an unnamed gay writer : ‘ we [ gay men ] demand our ‘ femininity' ’ , the same thing that women reject , and at the same time we declare that these roles are devoid of sense' ( Homosexuality and Liberation , 46 ) .
47 There just was n't much British around that had an edge and at the same time looked good .
48 We were all eating roast venison and at the same time discussing vegetarianism .
49 It would give the American parent group a chance to examine his potential at close quarters and at the same time he would be able to undergo some training to prepare him for the more elevated positions he was destined to occupy in future .
50 So the project will have the double benefit of clearing the rivers and at the same time creating a saleable product .
51 Often a mother can understand her daughter 's needs , if not in detail at least in broad terms , and at the same time she knows that these needs are in conflict with traditional honour and respectability .
52 They clear the lawn of slugs and at the same time delight us with their presence .
53 ‘ I knew I had n't done anything to Joanna and at the same time I was totally confused as to how it could have happened . ’
54 With no qualifications and precious little experience , she has taken on the job of Princess of Wales and is turning it into a significant career — and at the same time has brought up two small boys .
55 ‘ Well , we can do something about that straightaway and at the same time keep you under observation .
56 ‘ There is no groundswell of opinion in favour of a break , ’ said the secretary Jim Farry , ‘ so we will continue with the present principle of playing when we can , and at the same time continue to exhort clubs to improve the fans ’ comfort .
57 There seems to be a common thread here — a desire to rise above northern grim limits into a world of sleek , cosmopolitan opportunity , and at the same time an anxiety to retain one 's roots .
58 Somehow the country has managed to consume more energy per capita than anywhere else other than rich ( and notoriously thriftless ) Canada and the United States and at the same time plunge into a state close to bankruptcy .
59 Rather than making the observations that were originally planned , the telescope has been trying out various options to see what is possible , and at the same time producing pictures and results to reassure the public that all is not lost .
60 To have continued to be so dependable and at the same time so exciting a batsman for so long , shows him to have been one of the greats of the game .
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