Example sentences of "and they take the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 William did n't know what it was — flood or earthquake , drought or famine , or a combination of all four — but they moved , and they took the fleas and the bacilli with them , and somewhere in their travels they encountered the black rat rattus rattus , and the drama began to move along a bit , because rattus rattus was a vagabond and a great little mover .
2 That slaughter , when it comes , is reported in the baldest possible terms : ‘ … the people went up into the city , every man straight before him , and they took the city .
3 Those who had attended informed their colleagues of the fact — and they took the hint .
4 Well , the polis was brought , naturally , and they took the body away to the work house mortuary .
5 ‘ The first people to arrive were servants from Ipuky 's household , and they took the body there .
6 And they take the cartridge out and they send it down to Cardiff which is where Mel is
7 Having examined the practice in different common law jurisdictions , their Lordships consider that the principles endorsed by the Jamaican Court of Appeal , particularly with regard to inconsistent previous statements , represent what will normally be an acceptable way of achieving fairness to the accused and they take the opportunity of saying that in a civilised community the most suitable ways of achieving such fairness ( which should not be immutable and require to be reconsidered from time to time ) are best left to , and devised by , the legislature , the executive and the judiciary which serve that community and are familiar with its problems .
8 The giving of legal advice and assistance in relation to matters arising in England and in foreign countries has been considered by the Central Committee and they take the view that standing the provision in the Act , all a Scottish solicitor is entitled to do is to give the client preliminary advice on his legal position and the course of action open to him .
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