Example sentences of "and make [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I saw Yet drag himself up , eyes charged with fear , and make for the door to the lower regions .
2 She cringed back from him , pressing herself against the stove , wondering if she could edge past and make for the door .
3 On no account look out your passport and make for the airport because they 'll catch you in customs and the judge will be cross and tell you you 're a cold-blooded , ruthless and calculating murderess and give you twenty years .
4 I prepared to collect the rest of my medicines and make for the hospital , when the policeman said to me , ‘ Excuse me , sir .
5 He watched him move quickly across the alley , and make for the patch of deep shadow under the iron stairs .
6 Delaney should now quickly gather all surviving members of his force and make for the target , with no potentially dangerous searches .
7 This usually means conspicuous consumption in one or all of its varied forms — the size of the house , the size , age and make of the car , the possession of other consumer durables , the quality of furnishings , and so on .
8 Once off the airfield , Stirling gave orders for the jeeps to split up and make for the rendezvous separately , as he was sure that the following morning the sky would be full of angry German fighters out looking for them .
9 He turned and made for the stern of the boat , and disappeared below .
10 Then , apparently deciding that this was a special day , he turned and made for the thicket .
11 He turned to the right and made for the north choir aisle .
12 He shrugged and made for the door .
13 She ducked under his arm and made for the door but he caught her arm .
14 As it was , I nodded and made for the door ; she looked the sort of woman who won protracted lawsuits .
15 Signalling the sighting to the Home Fleet in Scapa Flow , he turned his vessel and made for the shelter of a fog bank .
16 Somehow we escaped and made for the Wig and Dickle and suitable refreshments .
17 Then suddenly she got up and made for the piano .
18 So I flipped around and made for the ground , I 'd completely lost my bearings , I did n't recognize it , did n't even know which panel it was .
19 Even his phone calls were planned and made on the half-hour .
20 The coronation oath of Edgar is recorded for 973 : he swore first " that God 's Church and all Christian people of my realm shall enjoy true peace ; second , that I forbid to all ranks of men robbery and all wrongful deeds ; third , that I urge and command justice and mercy in all judgements " — pious words , perhaps , but solemn and binding , and made at the bidding of Archbishop Dunstan and laid on the altar at Bath .
21 The Law Society published guidelines in question and answer form as to accounting for commission received on 23 October 1991 in 88 L S Gazette 33. ( b ) Professional undertakings An undertaking given by a solicitor in the course of his practice or by his employee on his behalf or by a solicitor qua solicitor ( whether or not in the course of his practice ) and made with the intent that it should be relied upon is binding in law upon that solicitor personally .
22 ‘ I got a cash drawer full of beer mats you lousy low-down no-good rotten — ’ He paused in mid rant , took a look around and made with the befuddlement .
23 By a lease dated 19 May 1972 and made between the plaintiff landlord , Deanplan Ltd. , and C.W.C. Tempest Ltd .
24 ‘ Yes , all done , ’ the Doctor said , and made for the bottom of the stairs .
25 He swung his umbrella over his shoulder and made for the exit .
26 For a few horrible moments I thought the motor would n't fire , but after several pulls it caught , then I just hooked my overnight bag over one shoulder , took the tiller and made for the shore , which looked so close that I felt I could have swum across . ’
27 She excused herself when halfway through the meal , and made for the ladies room .
28 The lift passed the ground-floor level and made for the vault .
29 Then she lifted her bag from the chair , turned the door handle with exaggerated care and made for the kitchen .
30 Maggie took a deep breath , and made for the tent entrance .
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