Example sentences of "and would not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
2 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
3 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
4 On Oct. 16 the Romanian National Assembly approved by 324 votes to seven the new Council of Ministers proposed by Prime Minister-designate Theodor Stolojan , who undertook to accelerate reforms and promised that he would continue his political neutrality and would not stand in the forthcoming ( 1992 ) elections .
5 Evandro Linse Silva , for the prosecution , stated that the country wished for the speedy completion of the proceedings and would not benefit from " more spectacular allegations " or from giving credence to " the chief of a crime racket " .
6 The problem was that the robots were usually too big and would not fit into the existing booths .
7 The European Communities ( EC ) , the main representative of consumer interests in the absence of any US participation , began the talks by proposing a limit of 300,000 tonnes and would not move beyond 330,000 , whereas producer countries began by seeking a 600,000 tonne limit and would come down no further than 380,000 .
8 Ethel knew a lot more about what the master would and would not think of doing to a young woman than Mr Eames did .
9 Many of them bought them and would not walk to school in the mornings without one in their Bart Simpson satchels .
10 At its July meeting the Council heard some members complain that the proposals did not go far enough and would not lead to greater freedoms for institutions , and heard others wonder if the long-term aim was in fact ‘ complete autonomy ’ .
11 Amal 's parents had travelled to the Emirates for the weekend and would not return until Saturday noon .
12 The draft directive is likely to be adopted by Council in the autumn and would not come into force before 1993 .
13 Abu was absent , and would not reappear for a further thirty-six hours , so we had time to watch the painful disintegration of the space-arc village and the departure of lines of subdued barefoot guests , laden with meat and buffalo horns .
14 Whatever the strength of this reasoning , it seems to apply to cases where the patient commits some act to achieve his end , and would not apply to the situation being discussed here .
15 In July of the same year John Gayner and many others resisted arrest at Lydney , killed a number of the king 's servants and those of the warden of the forest , and chased the others ‘ as far as the forest and would not surrender to the King 's peace ’ .
16 That night she dreamt that they were all , Larry and Philippa and John and Conrad and Demian and herself , dancing the hornpipe on the deck of a warship that was ploughing through a storm , but Demian 's leg was tragically maimed and would not keep in step and Conrad was shouting at him like a great actor-manager , and the tears were streaming down Demian 's face , or so she thought , until she realized that it was she who was crying , crying for the sick one , praying that her tears would heal his wound .
17 Jimmy Reddan said the three year sentence for killing and dismembering his sister was ‘ a disgrace ’ and would not act as a deterrent .
18 Mrs Sisulu , co-president of the United Democratic Front , said her husband would resume his leading role in the anti-apartheid movement and would not waver in his commitment to the ANC — considered a criminal organisation by the government .
19 Clearly the auction house feels that in the light of new revelations about the treasure 's origins , its manner of acquisition and details of falsified export licenses , any attempt to offer it at auction would be bound to result in failure and would not redound to the auction house 's credit .
20 On 21 February Sullivan called on Prime Minister Bazargan to assure him , and through him Khomeini , that the US accepted the revolution and would not interfere in Irans internal affairs .
21 The Commission is reluctant to grant protection to these industries as it would harm the LDCs ( see Chapter 11 ) , and would not help in the attempts to improve the productivity of the EC economy .
22 This approach is difficult to reconcile with the principle of supremacy of Community law and would not seem to be the correct way to apply the principle of indirect effect the duty of the national courts to interpret national law as far as possible to bring it into line with Community obligations .
23 The state-owned Burgas petrochemical company announced on Jan. 29 that petrol supplies were exhausted , and would not resume in the near future .
24 The most effective means of doing this would be through the introduction of a comprehensive disability income scheme , which would allocate benefits according to the needs created by disability and would not discriminate on the basis of old age .
25 In return for the unions ' consent formally to acknowledge managements ' prerogatives of decision-making at plant level , employers would recognise the right of workers to join unions and would not discriminate against them for doing so .
26 However , a small bag of water containing all the different kinds of proteins — perhaps 10,000 to 100,000 kinds — that the genes of an elephant can code for is not an elephant , and would not turn into an elephant .
27 But if expectations are rational then this superiority disappears , for if the fall in aggregate demand assumed above were predictable , it would have no effect on real output and would not need to be countered by a change of monetary policy .
28 The statement need only be oral and would not need to be expressly repeated in the sale agreement .
29 He insisted on them taking supper with him , and would not hear of a refusal .
30 He knew what was suggested by her apparently abstract interest and would not hear of it , yet the price of his deafness was high .
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