Example sentences of "and can [adv] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Most of these rules , I should point out , were petty , automatic ones relating to punctuality or tidiness and can generally be described as ‘ going by the book ’ .
2 Debris and algae collect in the medium in the inner tray and can regularly be changed and disposed of .
3 Ideally , there should be a handy way of obtaining an immediate print-out of any portion of text which poses problems that require special attention and can best be worked out on paper before the on-screen operations are attempted .
4 Despite their elaborate plumage , peafowl are competent fliers and can frequently be seen in trees ( right ) .
5 Like his namesake though , he is a dead shot , and can frequently be found hunting in upstate New York at weekends .
6 These usually make quite a small pool and can frequently be purchased from department stores as well as from garden centres and water-gardening specialists .
7 ‘ ( 1 ) Solicitors shall ensure that every office where they or their firms practise is and can reasonably be seen to be properly supervised in accordance with the following minimum standards :
8 There are , however , instances where fixed term contracts are renewed automatically over a considerable period of time and can reasonably be described as ‘ rolling ’ contracts .
9 A section is a mere point in the textual hyper-medium and can rarely be consulted alone or understood without reference to other documents .
10 The French or Gallica roses are probably the oldest cultivated roses of European origin , and can arguably be traced back for 3,000 years .
11 An indifference of this kind is clearer in the 1950s , and can even be seen to have been deliberately fostered .
12 Nevertheless to consider the National Curriculum as a list of subjects runs the danger of expressing it in a way which over-emphasises information and a narrow range of skills at the expense of the development of a full range of socially useful skills , attitudes and ideas , which is usually the concern of interested parents and can even be seen in a child 's view of the purpose of education .
13 It will continue to grow on the patriot 's lapel and can even be transferred to a pot , ‘ providing very good value for money ’ , the promoters boast .
14 Distraints by Government departments for various taxes and local authorities for rates or community charge are unaffected and can even be levied after a bankruptcy order has been made ( s 347(8) ) .
15 This is acceptable in the textbook , and can even be made to work on audio , but it is more difficult when we can see real people in a real setting on video .
16 The range , which is priced between 99p and £11.99 , will appeal to all ages and can even be used as an incentive to introduce your young children into the garden .
17 ( The reviewer adds that it is ‘ high time ’ the director of the ensemble in question ‘ took some notice ’ of such criticisms a clear indication , if any were needed , of the Early music reviewers ' sense that reviews address performers directly and can even be used to call them to account . )
18 The offer applies to all the cars in the Peugeot range and can even be used to buy a low-mileage Lion Used Car .
19 When ‘ playing possum ’ it lies limply on the ground and can even be bitten hard by an attacker without showing any response .
20 The body louse may lay its eggs in clothing or bedding , while the head louse , like the crab louse , cements its eggs on to hairs forming ‘ nits ’ , which are the size of a pin-head and can just be made out with the naked eye .
21 The appointment of the interim receiver terminates when either the petition is dismissed or a bankruptcy order is made , and can also be terminated by the court on the application of the interim receiver , the official receiver ( if not the interim receiver ) , the debtor or any creditor ( r 6.57 ) .
22 This obligation gives significance to the public act of signature , and can also be justified by estoppel .
23 The chapel is mid-sixteenth-century and can also be reached from the Largo Richini .
24 His coat of arms appears there and can also be seen decorating the Hotel Baren .
25 Sharpness can be learned in training and can also be inherited .
26 Coloured lining looks attractive from the outside and can also be displayed in the room during daytime as a contrast to the curtains by draping the curtains back in tie bands and turning the leading edges into the room .
27 The Sufis have an explanation for this eternal something that is discerned by the mystics and can also be discerned by anyone who wants to develop his emotions .
28 Professor Wolf and his colleagues point out that all these diseases may show symptoms of nerve degeneration which are similar to those found in ABL and can also be treated by supplements of vitamin E. For example , a striking reduction in axonal degeneration has been seen in patients treated with vitamin E , for pancreatic insufficiency associated with cystic fibrosis .
29 The transponders can sound an alarm if the animal is killed and can also be implanted in the rhino 's horn , allowing it , and the poachers , to be tracked if it is cut off .
30 Instructions are sent to you with your card , and can also be requested on the screen of Abbeylink machines .
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