Example sentences of "and he [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How many more of you are- ’ he broke off with a stifled gasp as a hand clutched the skin exposed at the side of his neck by his wide and unbuttoned collar , and he folded to the ground .
2 George Underwood : ‘ It was all instigated by David really , because he had been listening to the World Service on the radio and suddenly got the bug to get involved in American Football , and he wrote to the American Embassy asking for more information .
3 Laurence Hazell , defending Disley , said this was his first and last offence and he apologised to the householder for the burglary .
4 If you roll a double on the 2D6 roll then the Fanatic has met with an accident , wrapping the chain around his neck , or perhaps his heart just gives out and he collapses to the ground .
5 She caressed his anxious dick with growing skill , and he responded to the gentle stroking of her fingers .
6 The stool he was standing on broke and he fell to the ground .
7 But the other merely advanced , and when he came up , put out a hand to touch the lady , whereupon our hero struck with all his might at his heart , and the glass splinter entered deeply and he fell to the ground .
8 Garty 's legs collapsed and he fell to the ground , a twitching moaning heap .
9 ‘ They bowled , Fred hit it — and he fell to the ground . ’
10 It hit poor Tom between the shoulders , and he fell to the ground with a cry .
11 A window fell on his fingers and he fell to the ground .
12 He did not restrict himself merely to giving his assent to publication , but added his comments , as , for example , on Two Treatises … concerning Infant Baptism ( 1645 ) by John Tombes [ q.v. ] , where he acknowledged that the author was a godly man ‘ and of the Presbyterian judgement , though I am not of opinion with him ’ and he agreed to the publication of these treatises to encourage further contributions to the debate on infant baptism .
13 The business community regognises him as ‘ one of us ’ , and he belongs to the generation which will be in its prime in 1997 .
14 Madden got shifted from that division — you only got shifted if you were in trouble — and he came to the same division as myself .
15 He had learned well the value of preparation and organisation from Caradryel and he came to the throne with one aim : to force the Dark Elves out of Ulthuan and reclaim the Blighted Isle from the spawn of Naggaroth .
16 His attempts failed , and he came to the conclusion that the best that could be achieved was to specify , so far as one could , which observation statements were implied by which non-observation statements ( see the preface to Carnap , 1967 , and Quine , 1969 , p. 77 ) .
17 It was the first time Hugh had seen him , and he came to the encounter with sharp and wary interest .
18 He found a certain amount of fossil evidence that the time planes were not parallel with the lithological boundaries and he came to the general conclusion that the facies to the north are in the main younger than those to the south .
19 The hospital phoned Miguel that evening , and he came to the villa to tell Shelley , who had been sitting by the telephone .
20 After several months of stalling , he believed Hashemi had tricked him and he went to the United States to retrieve his money — and save his face with his ‘ superiors ’ in the PPP .
21 And he went to the degree of saying , when I pressed him , how are we going to stay in this business ; he said , Albert , for all I know right now when I am talking to you , we could be finished with the business ; I do n't know . ’
22 Mr Steven Hadley , defending , said Williams 's wife , Andrea , 30 , died of cancer and he went to the medical centre in Pinner armed with a knife intending to make his wife 's GP , Dr Patricia Carson , apologise for what he felt was a wrong diagnosis .
23 The next day , which was the Friday , O did n't work and he did n't eat ; he woke up late , stayed in bed until it was dark , got up at nine and dressed in his white shirt just like always and he went to The Bar looking for his heart 's desire one very last time , and that was the night that he met Boy .
24 The interdependence of farming and mining , added to technological constraints , restricted the number of days annually available for mining ; the farmer-miner 's smallholding had first claim on his time , and he went to the mine with the limited aim of satisfying , with a minimum of effort , the desire for a particular level of cash-income expectation determined by the need to pay the rent of his holding and purchase a given packet of ‘ industrial ’ goods .
25 I did go out with one of me mates once and he was going burgling and I needed to do one 'cos I had no money or nothing , strung out , and he went to the Old Hall Estate and broke into a house and I got in through the window with him and I just looked around and saw all these photographs of , y'know like , the family that lived there with the kids and that and I just got this horrible feeling , so I just got out the window and walked away , even though I was strung out and I did n't pick nothing up , I just left him to it ‘ cos , like , though all the burglaries I 'd done , they 'd all been shops .
26 and the boy would next morning would pass on the outside of the gate offering a reward of five pounds to anyone who would in other words five pounds for Oliver Twist I never in for this in my life said the in the white , white coat as he locked the gate and he went to the next morning .
27 And he went to the bank and he got him three thousand pound ready and he got this beautiful car , he had n't it eighteen months before he wrapped it round a tree .
28 So he walked in the opposite direction , and he went to the park to get away from the people he might know .
29 And he went to the doctor and the doctor said well you have n't got anything wrong with your skull but I 'll take your blood pressure .
30 Hands were shaken , waved , and he advanced to the rostrum , as the final extravagances burst around him .
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