Example sentences of "and to the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The married priest might be more obvious to the archdeacon on his visitation or inspection and to the rural deans in charge of the groups of parishes ; the unmarried concubinist could well escape justice .
2 A permanent consultation mechanism was established and the public sector committed itself to the privatization of state enterprises except for certain strategic concerns , and to the substantial reduction of unnecessary bureaucracy , of expenditure and of the public deficit .
3 By now Pretty Polly was a national heroine , and to the vast throng which crowded into Ascot any suggestion of defeat was heresy .
4 On this World Communications Day , I extend my cordial best wishes to all the professional men and women striving to serve the human family through the communications media , to all the members of the International Catholic Media Organizations active throughout the world , and to the vast body of media consumers who are their audience and towards whom they bear a very weighty responsibility .
5 The social significance of this ( and one linking it to the theorists we have discussed earlier ) lay in the fact that large numbers of individuals , uprooted from their established communities and families were adapting to one another and to the existing Chicago population .
6 But the shows triumph has been its appeal not just to the unaddressed , naff masses , but also to a fashionable audience of discerning clubbers who never set foot in the kind of clubs the programme broadcasts from , and to the extremist yuppie subgroup that reads both the Sunday Times and the Sunday Sport .
7 owing to the war and to the desperate poverty and ruin , [ the proletariat ] has been declassed , i.e. dislodged from its class groove , and has ceased to exist as a proletariat …
8 the task is absolutely vital and only you can be sure that it will be done in time and to the required standards
9 Although I would be the last to claim that small businesses are without their problems , it is a great tribute to the entrepreneurs and to the small business men of this country that they can deal with difficult circumstances in such a way .
10 The great 16th century Venetian architect San Savino said that ‘ a city should be built to the convenience and satisfaction of those that live in it , and to the great surprise of strangers ’ .
11 She had dismissed as rubbish Nina 's allegations that the men thought he was interested in her , but she had to admit he was good company , and for the next half-hour he entertained her with stories of his work in Australia , of the people he 'd met and of his excursions into the bush and to the Great Barrier Reef .
12 In 1838 Captain ( later vice-admiral ) John Washington [ q.v. ] , secretary of the Royal Geographical Society , remarked upon these West African surveys : ‘ this tedious undertaking is drawing to a close , and will then be of equal utility to the fair traders , and to the anti-slavery cruisers .
13 The upshot was that the London and North Western Railway , much to the disgust of the Great Western Railway — which later absorbed the Llanelly Railway — obtained easy access to the coal , tinplate and other industrial traffic of SW Wales , and to the developing holiday areas of West Wales , such a Tenby .
14 In particular it distinguished two forms of such training and education : We stress the range of educational provision that is relevant to vocational training in the broadest sense and to the developing needs of young people .
15 Thanks to these acts , to the more recent endeavours of the Forth River Purification Board and to the occasional activity of groups of young volunteers , the Water of Leith today , though not yet as sparkling as a highland burn , is sufficiently clean to maintain its annual stock of trout .
16 Organisation development ‘ is a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs , attitudes , values and structure of organisations so that they can better adapt to new technologies , markets and challenges and to the dizzying rate of change itself . ’
17 Aaron listened to the silence , and to the faint music of a cassette : the fifth symphony of Sibelius .
18 Poland emerged from the feudal soup of partition to the bright light of history and to the ongoing crisis of capitalism , which had apparently reached a peak in the horrors of the First World War .
19 It 's not right and to the wee fella .
20 During his last hours in this world , he found unspeakable comfort in thinking about some verses from Hebrews Ch.12 , ‘ But ye are come unto mount Sion , and unto the city of the living God , the heavenly Jerusalem , and to the innumerable company of angels , to the general assembly and church of the firstborn , which are written in heaven , and to God , the Judge of all , and to the spirits of just men made perfect , and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant ’ .
21 The idea was to leave FRCN with the responsibility for national and international broadcasting : the Nigerian government would speak with one voice to its people and to the outside world .
22 So , to the Hampstead officers who arrived so quickly on the scene , to my neighbours , and to the Black Cab driver ( I 'm afraid I failed to take his number ) who protected me , many thanks .
23 To the left of the sash window and to the far right of the plate are stacked more coffin boards , probably of elm or oak , whilst the four half-lids are templates , as is the kerf-guide on the wall to the left of the chimney-breast .
24 I am happy to pay tribute to those teachers and to the well-run Norfolk education authority .
25 By assisting in the development of the research base represented by present and potential DORCISS members and to the professional development of staff in these centres , DORCISS aims to make a contribution to th overall vitality of economic and social research within the UK .
26 Dan gives talks to the Spitalfields Trust and to the Georgian Society and writes books on the practical aspects of restoration , preserving a heritage for eight-year-old Isabel , his daughter .
27 In the model described above , the distribution of income converges to an equilibrium state where inequality is attributable to differences in earning capacity , generated randomly by the genetic process , and to the stochastic element in income and bequests , interpreted either as entrepreneurial gains or uncertainty with regard to life expectancy .
28 As that generation went on to personally more attractive or socially more distinguished occupations , the assembly lines there reached out to more distant refugees from poor farming and mining areas and to the erstwhile sharecroppers and other deprived rural workers of the Deep South .
29 At man height the quire aisle is dark with thick arteries of shadow connecting every feature to its neighbour — steps , sepulchres , arches , screens all laced together and to the towering pillars by these black branches from which thick clots of blue and red hang like deadly , tempting fruit .
30 It was probably this inability to recognize defeat that led to his continuing attacks on the Somme and to the prolonged bloodbath at Passchendaele .
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