Example sentences of "and be [verb] into a " in BNC.

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1 The bees lose their foothold and are shot into a small bucket of liquid .
2 and are translated into a work for academic and study for the purpose of general knowledge about the English language .
3 Data collected by this method are usually in the form of x , y co-ordinates , and are passed into a pattern recogniser , which will aim to produce characters , or a number of candidate characters as output , usually by matching against a database .
4 Some are modified to transmit electric impulses and are linked into a network which amounts to a primitive nervous system ; others are able to contract in length and so can be considered as simple muscles .
5 Then they see the UN sign-off and are taken into a more thoughtful and dynamic context .
6 There is a tedious pounding at the heart of this music , a sincerity that allows for only one angle of delivery , a passion that has created a pop atmosphere in which it 's impossible to be clever , cool or cynical , a soul whose impulse is NOT to embrace the avant-garde , like Faustus , and be cut into a thousand pieces by a sampling machine .
7 ‘ At this moment you 'd like to take a gamble and be transported into a world of sensual delight .
8 The band you thought had no personality and were locked into a strait-jacketed genre have just made an album packed with more character and idiosyncrasies than practically any other released in 1992 .
9 In our marginal universe , we pursued offences which were then not even classified as crimes in the Home Office Standard list , and were pitched into a new philosophical world structured by a number of alternative social constructs .
10 They stopped for lunch at a wayside trattoria and were shown into a shady courtyard at the back , where half a dozen tables were set out under the trees .
11 I remember coming off stage in Rio and being piled into a helicopter to take us back to the hotel .
12 He has crossed the line and is locked into a sequence of events that are by now way out of his control .
13 He goes to live in London with Herbert Pocket , and is turned into a gentleman , living an expensive but futile sort of existence , and becoming ashamed of Joe and his village origins .
14 She 's found a job and is moving into a small flat .
15 The story of the play is simple ; the hero ‘ goes into the world and is betrayed into a great crime ’ .
16 One of the most stylish — and silliest — musicals ever made was Funny Face , a 1956 film in which Audrey Hepburn plays a Greenwich Village intellectual who travels to Paris and is transformed into a model for Quality magazine .
17 The body of an insect therefore presents a jointed structure which is an example of segmentation , and is divided into a series of successive rings variously known as segments , somites or metameres .
18 Its inner surface is usually provided with chemoreceptors and is produced into a small lobe-like epipharynx in the Hymenoptera and a long epipharyngeal stylet in the Siphonaptera .
19 and be tamed into a ball ; the varnished panels
20 It had the right to examine policy and to question ministers and was organized into a general subcommittee which examined the whole PESC system and a series of specific subcommittees , each specializing in an area of expenditure .
21 A urinary catheter had been inserted and was draining into a sealed drainage system .
22 At some point , the mill eventually passed to George Ford and was converted into a substantial flour mill .
23 The miners ' strike was presented as a direct challenge to the authority of the government , and was made into a sticking-point beyond which the government would not be pushed .
24 Originally a Benedictine Abbey Church , which was destroyed by fire in 1120 , it was rebuilt soon after this much on the pattern of S. Mark 's in Venice and was made into a Cathedral in 1649 .
25 I arrived in good time and was shown into a small living-room where a clothes-horse , hung with baby clothes , stood steaming before an electric fire .
26 A former pool had silted up and was turning into a miniature reed marsh .
27 France was pushed to the same position in part because of the above considerations , and in part as a consequence of the French presidential election of 1965 in which de Gaulle , because he failed to win an absolute majority and was forced into a second run-off election against his nearest contender , suffered a not inconsiderable loss of prestige .
28 On 5 December he received 44.6 per cent of the vote and was forced into a runoff election against Mitterrand , who had come second with 31.7 per cent .
29 Eventually a frail young women appeared , shaking with fear , and was taken into a nearby house .
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