Example sentences of "and be [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 He could think of no man , or woman , in the village that he could have gone to and talked with , and been reassured on the question of his guilt .
2 People had gone up to a house and been knocking on the door waiting for someone to come because the light had come on and they thought there must be somebody in because they switched the light on when they saw me come up the drive , and these are visitors .
3 The piston itself is a rectangular hardwood board 15½ × 8 × ¾in , which moves back and forth in the first chamber , pushed ( or pulled ) by two ½in rods which extend through one end of the bellows and are joined on the outside by a handle .
4 Six local churches including Q.P. have so far committed themselves to the vision and are represented on the Mark 2 board . )
5 The oldest fossil fish , which are the earliest known vertebrates , lack jaws — the mouth is a simple opening — and are covered on the outside with bony skeleton .
6 Now , if and are presented on the same plot , their separation is the required as illustrated in figure 10.16(a) and where they cross corresponds to the crucial condition .
7 They are a form of taxation levied on local property , and are calculated on the basis of the rent at which the property might reasonably be let .
8 Yes , well these , all wasps of course , er tend to er hit the fruit juice at this time of the year , and that fruit juice is very often fermenting , and you get a particularly er waspish reaction , er naturally , when er somebody goes to pick up a fallen apple or windfall pear , and they pick up a handful of wasp , inadvertently , and I think this year , particularly with a shortage of water , more wasps of all species have been driven to attack fruit , er and are feeding on the er fruit juice , much of which is fermenting .
9 The usual ways can be seen in any class-room and are based on the four movements dictated by the natural anatomical structure of the body , namely : to bend ( contract ) , stretch ( relax ) , rise ( raise ) , turn ( rotate ) .
10 Departures and connections in Reading are designed to develop the reading skills of elementary and pre-intermediate students of English , and are based on the structures and vocabulary of the first two levels of Streamline English .
11 In several Asian and African countries , central banks have been set up by statute and are based on the model of the Bank of England .
12 They are used by representatives , and are displayed on the ‘ Flagship Units ’ within carpet shops .
13 Most experts think normal cells probably have to undergo several mutations in order to become cancerous ; and it is generally suspected that the mouse cells — a laboratory line known as NIH 3T3 cells — have already undergone numerous mutations and are hovering on the brink of becoming cancerous .
14 Other listed securities include AUK Limited Guaranteed Unsecured Floating Rate Notes 2003 [ ‘ the AUK Notes ’ ] which are guaranteed by Societé Nationale Elf Acquitaine and are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange .
15 These codes are input at the time of each Claims Intimation and are recorded on the ‘ Claims Screen ’ of the Home Record .
16 Units are valued on the last working day of each month and are allocated on the first day of the following month , after the receipt of your premium .
17 ‘ A lot of us have passed the first part of our exam , and are working on the second .
18 I mean , if you 've got your group on there 's nothing better than having your floor there and are dancing on the floor at , at , in front of the group kind of thing like
19 The 40 questions were randomised and are provided on the question sheet in appendix A which shows the stimulus and question to be asked .
20 England reckon the pitch will fail to assist the seamers and are banking on the spinners to produce victory — without leg-spinner Ian Salisbury , who loses his place to John Emburey .
21 Zips : all zips run freely and are protected on the flysheet by a weather flap .
22 Other shapes , square , diamond , triangles , lentoid , drop or half-disc , are much rarer and are found on the Continent in southern Germany , Hungary and south-east Europe in general .
23 Under the trust deed I appoint a Government observer and am consulted on the appointment of the chairman .
24 We have based our estimate of fees for the preparation of the memorandum on the facts that the UK document will be far more detailed than the US document and be based on the report of [ Date ] .
25 The following criteria would have to be satisfied : ( i ) the disposition would have to be contained in a will and be charged on the heir under that will ; and either ( ii ) involve a sum of money , or ( iii ) involve property but be heard by a provincial court .
26 Their thinking was coloured about how they were going to make their million and be launched on the USM .
27 Her expression was wistful , reminiscent , as she recalled how , once they had gone up endless stairs and were seated on the hard wooden benches , an attendant had come along and pushed them all closer and closer together so that as many spectators as possible could be packed in .
28 Under their Chairman , Arthur Allen , the District 's committee raised a series of questions about the negotiated settlement and were unbending on the issue of retention of the District 's autonomy in all its affairs and highly critical of the failure to secure the appointment of Jacques as a joint
29 The only casualties I hear of are a couple of pleasure boats which dragged their moorings and were damaged on the shore .
30 Headed by the USSR President and comprising as before the Presidents of the union republics , but with the addition of the USSR Vice-President and the Presidents of the 20 autonomous republics * ; upgraded from a consultative to an executive body , responsible for co-ordinating the work of the central and republican governments , ensuring observance of the Union Treaty , and resolving inter-ethnic and inter-republican disputes ; Council resolutions needed a two-thirds majority , and were binding on the President ( who had to enact them by decree ) and on all republics .
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